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the Kindle Fire is capable of running Jellybean right now with some hacking and it works better than the amazon software.
Are you folks serious? The same people that would recommend that Windows users switch to the Mac ( no Start menu) because it's so much easier/intuitive are making such a big deal that Windows users won't be able to adapt to a few small …
apple copying or not they really do need to rethink their need for such large stores. At all three of the Best Buys near me there are plenty of people looking at computers, phones, TVs and cameras, and then there's the other half of the store, w…
All I know or care about is that by the end of the year my windows work laptop will be due for a replacement and the Surface Pro looks like the #1 candidate. BTW just got my retina MBP so no windows fanboy name-calling allowed!
I have an iPad but I also picked up a refurb Kindle Fire for $139 and I've brought it on two trips overseas rather than my iPad because it fits in my coat pocket when I'm out and about. It was completely satisfactory and I even watched some Netfl…
as an iPad owner I hope the Microsoft tablets are a success and push Apple to do an even better job on the next iPad. I don't get all the hate. If Windows does well on the tablet it doesn't mean you're any less of a person if you own an iPad. S…
Quote: Originally Posted by Daekwan Cant believe this is even a surprise. I know individual experience is never a true indicator of market demand.. but I've literally NEVER heard someone say that they flatout wanted a Kindle Fire. W…
laughing at all the sheep who called Samsung liars after Samsung denied responsibility.
next they'll construct living quarters because "we just don't want our employees mixing with outsiders" Then Apple will change it's name the FoxConn West!
Quote: Originally Posted by Blastdoor Nice to see Apple catching up with demand quicker than in the past. The iPad really only has one remaining potential challenger -- the Win 8 tablets to be released later this year. If those are no more su…
Quote: Originally Posted by Radjin Kindle books app always did look better on the iPad then on the Kindle itself, now who would bother with a kindle at all? someone who only has $79
Quote: Originally Posted by jragosta None of that makes any sense. Let's say Apple releases sales figures. Say they sold 40 million in the U.S. and 10 million in the UK. How does that tell you ANYTHING about whether Samsung's device is an ille…
Quote: Originally Posted by mstone Did you upgrade your current notebook's hard drive to a larger capacity? I did, I have a late 2008 MBP that came with a 320 GB HD and I upgraded it to 500GB last year.
Office 2011 will be a welcome upgrade as I need Excel because Numbers is a toy and can't hold a candle to Excel when it comes to working with pivot tables.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jetz I'd question "useless". It's legible if you turn up the brightness. But I will grant that with the brightness down to the lowest settings, it's useless in direct sunglight. And even there it's a trade-off. I…
Chen is not going to go to jail, that's just ridiculous Apple fanboy talk. What I want to know is what role, if any, Apple played in getting the REACT taskforce involved. Did the REACT group get involved by the request of Apple? I think the…
not if you're a serious spreadsheet user, Numbers is lame compared to Excel when it comes to pivot tables for example
I know there are people out there who will never use some of the functions Excel has to offer but for power users Numbers is no substitute for Excel. iWork (Numbers) can't handle pivot tables on any kind of professional level so if you're a power…
advocacy groups that grow to the size of greenpeace are like living beings in that they want to survive and since they only survive through spreading fear they will continue to do so as long as people will fund them. If every one of greenpeace's d…
Quote: Originally Posted by snookie Thats easy. Netbooks are a compromise in every possible way. Run a mainsteam OS but not enough memory or cpu. Too small a keyboard and screen. Poor user experience. geez, drink the Jobs Kool Aid much? …