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I've decided to buy the top-spec 2.6 Ghz i7 Mac Mini with stock components everywhere else (4 GB RAM / 1 TB HDD). I paid Apple ~$1,000 for it, pretty good for a machine that eats 2008-2009 Mac Pros for lunch. Hah that feels cool to say! I de…
Quote: Originally Posted by brax.j If you already have files A & B in Y why would you want to drag files A & B to Y? ...because sometimes you have the same folders across different computers and drives and you need to merge them, etc..…
i purchased the iSkin SOHO after no body helped me out with a similar post on these forums. i have a new late-2008 MBP and wanted something that was stylish yet protective and compact. the SOHO is a bit bulkier than i thought. but the faux-leather f…
Does anyone else feel like WinXP makes certain file management tasks easier? I live in dual mac-pc world and I'm slowly migrating to mac-only but will definitely run windows in a VM as well. i never understood why certain functions were so cripp…
This thread is a fantastic example of how people don't use their optical drives anymore (granted they are all MB-Air users, many lament the fact that they bought an external drive because it was a waste of money because they never used it): http:…
Quote: Originally Posted by backtomac I guess I'm feeling cynical today because I'm not nearly as convinced as you and others that if Apple were to drop the optical drive in the MB and MBP that they would turn around and give back additional port…
Quote: Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot I didn't mean to imply that the CD et al were dead (or even dying.) In fact, I would think it would make perfect sense to package the external CD drive (you know... the one they made for the AIR) WI…
It's absolutely possible to install 8GB in the new MacBook and MacBook Pro computers. Source: http://9to5mac.com/8GB-MacBook-NVIDIA
Quote: Originally Posted by keantan Maybe you guys don't use your optical drive but we have to remember that the Macbook's primary target market is students. Students do use the optical drives. Actually, I (the OP) AM a student myself, and as …
I don't want to make this thread too repetitive, but it's safe to list what we can DEFINITELY expect come November: There will be the iMac update that will move to nVidia chips and DisplayPort. If they're gonna kill the mini, it won't be mentione…