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  • Quote: Originally Posted by walshbj Those fools at Consumer Reports were tricked by the "pretty cases" on computers that have the "same guts" as every other computer. Don't they know Macs are for "idiots who can't operate a PC"? I hope Consum…
  • The 'Nehalem' Quad core chips will most likely be introduced to the MBP line in Sept or Oct....in actuality, we should have already had them by now.
  • I was at MacWorld and personally looked at several 15.4" models with 8GB of RAM. So there goes that theory. Not sure how they did it, but they did. Also, it was made very clear that the 15.4" models to be introduced in early spring were going t…
  • AnteChrist; if I'm a moron then what are you???? you are a whinny little cun+ and you're the dumb-ass who installed an inferior HD in your MBP.... I think you need to stick to pc's Mac's are not for everyone.
  • sennen; AMEN Brother! That's what I've been trying to say.....If you take a risk on a 'premium' brand HD then you deserve the issues that come with it. Bravo sennen.
  • Antechrist; I have tried to ignore your name calling and personal attacks but enough is enough. I may be a 'pompous a$$' but at least I'm not an ignorant, hyper-sensitive pansy.... you need to get over yourself and actually read and absorb the enti…
  • I sell a lot of Apple products in the secondary market(mostly to schools) and I sell a $#!% load of MBP's, I can assure you there are more than a few bozo's that ask me to swap comparable HD's(i.e., 320@7200 for 320@7200) it happens all the time. T…
  • My MBP came with a Hitachi 320@7200 HD. I learned the hard way by 'upgrading' to a WD HD(WD 200@7200 to replace a 160@5400 stock Apple) on my last MBP. I have no problem with those who choose to truly upgrade their HD's by opting for something th…
  • I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I was only trying to point out that these HD problems could be avoided by simply spending a few extra $ by upgrading through Apple and avoid after market HD's. But facts are facts; I am simply trying to advise to…
  • You should have paid the extra $50 and upgraded to the 320@7200rpm that apple provides. To anyone and everyone: THIS JUST IN- WD HD'S are not an upgrade and are no better than the HD's offered by Apple. Hope this is a lesson learned.
  • I have the new 2.8GHz 320 HDD @7200rpm. I'm averaging about 4hrs of battery time.... don't by in to the nonsense that having a more powerful/faster processor somehow drains the battery.... there simply is no difference in battery efficiency in any …
  • Hey no prob pctomac, you'll love the new MBP no matter what configuration you go with. Glad to help.
  • As I stated in a previous post, I have recently upgraded to a 2.8GHz 320@7200rpm MBP. Now I love my new machine and its powerful 2.8 chip, but.... I recently took it in to my local "Mac Store" and compared it side by side with the 2.53 chip and I g…
  • I just got the new 15.4" 2.8 MBP w/ 320@7200... It replaced my previous MBP which was the 2.4 160@7200. The new 2.8 is considerably faster and out performs any of the previous MBP chips. FYI: Don't buy into the 'Nahalem' hype.... remember how m…