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  • I did some back searching and didn't find any reference to this article in EE Times: Next-gen DVD war pre-empted? According to the story, Broadcom is already shipping universal decoder chipsets and NEC is working on front-end chips. I can't i…
  • I can't remember whose sig used to read "Still waiting to be included in Apple's target market," (Eugene?) but with a nod to them, I've thrown in the towel. After nearly four years of waiting for a mid-range tower (still using my old Sawtooth G4), …
  • Cinebench Scores from the poster on MacNN CINEBENCH 9.5 ************************************************** ** Tester : breadiu Processor : Apple Mac mini MHz : 1500 Number of CPUs : 1 Operating System : 10.4.5 Graphics Card : Intel G…
  • Quote: Originally posted by aegisdesign Where are your tests showing the GMA 950 to be worse than a 9200? http://www.extr…
  • As someone who has been waiting specifically for this upgrade to purchase, I decided to mull things overnight before commenting on why the new mini is so disappointing and why I won?t be buying one. The biggest problems with the old ?advertised? …
  • Is it just me, or does the extemely minor 100 MHz upgrade indicate that the 970Gx is still not available in an Apple product six months after it was introduced? This has to be the most disappoininting aspect of today's announcement and it doesn't b…
  • Quote: Originally posted by BRussell I don't understand why people are focusing on this to the exclusion of the opposite problem. It seems to me to be a much tougher sell to convince people to buy Intel Macs when they come out. You know your soft…
  • Its good to see a lot of positive technical details coming out, but I think it's obvious at this point that technology is not going to be the issue; it?s marketing and developer support. Apple has two huge marketing hurdles: Convincing people to…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Thanks. I just get a kick out of that line but I'm glad that I know the history behind it. No Problem, and I didn't mean to single you out. It's just amazed (and obviously annoyed) me how a lie made up a…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Of course I know Microsoft....."I invented it" I don?t know whether its ignorance, sarcasm, or embracing a good lie but the constant ?Al Gore invented the internet? references have gotten really tired. I…
  • Two thoughts: First, a great many folks are assuming that this was a choice; I suspect that it was not. IBM has had 4 years (development on the 970 started in 2001) to make a mobile processor for Apple and has been unable to do it. Similarly th…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Carniphage My take would be to keep the arm and drop the computer. Forget headless - the world would love a bottomless iMac. Namely a beautiful ergonomic floating display. With a DVI connection, it would attract new …
  • Quote: Originally posted by cubist The example proves my point right. Compare a car from 1920, a car from 1960, and a car from 2000. The first 40 years show tremendous progress, in comparison with only incremental improvements in the second 40 …
  • Quote: Originally posted by ipodandimac a lot of things are missing from the refurb page though. Hence the "meaningless."
  • Meaningless item No. 461: Yesterday all three PowerMac G5's were available on the Apple refurbs page. Today none of the three are.
  • Maybe someone here has a better memory than me, but I recall that Apple discounted the old 22" cinema display by about $500 shortly before they released the 23" display. The 22" then remained available for several months after the release of the 23…
  • Anybody remember the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show? One of the little vignettes was Bullwinkle trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat: ?Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of the hat. Nothin? up my sleeve, and presto.? (Something other tha…
  • This is why I shouldn?t waste time trying to figure out anything from Apple?s shipping times: Friday 1.6 GHz G5 Same Day 1.8 GHz G5 Same Day 2.0 GHz G5 Same Day Monday 1.6 GHz G5 Same Day 1.8 GHz G5 1-3 Days 2.0 GHz G5 1-3 Days …
  • I know that it's the Future Hardware equivalent of trying to read tea leaves, but shipping times for the dual G5s at the Apple Store went from "Same Day" on Friday to "1-3 Days" today. Also, the refurbed dual machines have gone MIA.
  • Disclaimer: The above idea was posited based upon absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Any hopes raised and subsequently dashed are the sole responsibility of the hopee and not of this poster, Appleinsider Future Hardware, or its moderators.