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I find this letter as a very emotional response. However it does not address the issues as mentioned by Jobs in his letter. It is a mere tactic to influence the lay person (non-technical) and portray Apple as the wrong doer. I would have love…
Quote: Originally Posted by Rot'nApple Apple's Tim Cook (from AppleInsider Post a few days back): Keeping it simple One focus for Apple, Cook revealed, is to keep matters simple. The Cupertino, Calif., company hasn't been interested in doi…
Quote: Originally Posted by tundraBuggy Such a short-sighted comment. Lets say Flash went away tomorrow for good. Do you really believe that irritating ads are going away when Flash is gone? You'll be crying for ClickToHTML5. Adobe will resolve t…
I use ClickToFlash on my browser. And been using it for some time now. Most of Flash is irritating ads that I do not want to see anyway. Very few real content and it would be easy to port to newer technologies when these content provider see enough …
iBill is correct and I concur. Quote: Originally Posted by iBill Well, since you resurrected the topic of flash on this thread, I'll take that as an invitation.. My head's swimming from all the iPad bashing that's been going on this week. F…
Steve said it in his keynote. The biggest difference is that Apple has made iPad to do some key things: Browsing, Email, Reading books, listening music, watching videos, Games, etc. + All apps (unlimited) If you do the above activities most of …
Quote: Originally Posted by MrCompMan This room is hopeless & lost. Nokia has gained 39% year over year and Rim is right behind them. Apple is 8% growth in the phone market year over year. That should have been the title of this articl…
Quote: Originally Posted by extremeskater There is no such thing as a premium market. That is something made up by Apple fanboys to justify that Apple has never broken into double digits in the PC arena. Apple creates and arena and will only …
Another important thing to note here is that Apple lawsuit claims that Psystar part of a larger plot. I think another "competing" company values MAC OSX as a significant technology and wants to get hold of it by hook or crook. I suspect a company…