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- pentae
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It's a great machine, but it doesn't make sense that its so similar in size and weight to the Macbook Pro 13 base model. It should be a bit smaller and thinner like the Macbook 12" Retina and have a USB-A on one side, USB-C on the other. Or at leas…
Honestly i'm going to defend Apple here for once - 128GB is small yes but in this day and age you don't need much drive space. Gone are the days of downloading all your MP3s and pirated movies to disc. You're streaming all that stuff now on spotify/…
It's cool but what would be even better is if they teamed up with the Ocean Cleanup guys and use the plastics taken out of the Pacific Garbage patch. That would take this from a bit of a gimmicky thing to an amazing initiative!
Offering a 5400rpm drive in 2019 on a $1300 desktop computer is one thing, but making it impossible to upgrade (glued in screen) is disgusting. They must f***ing hate us.
No Tim, It's because we're tired of being screwed. Even Apple loyalist aren't stupid - we can see Android phones getting better and cheaper and more polished every year and Apple is putting prices UP. I used to upgrade every 2 years but when the pr…
"Services" sounds so much cooler than "App developer tax" eh?
Meanwhile over on Spotify users can actually choose exactly what tracks they want to listen to.
I was actually really delighted to see this review. I carry a 7 plus as my daily driver and have a OnePlus 5T as a work phone. It's only a few months old and a bezelless design like the OnePlus 6 and it's a beast. Things I love: - The OnePlus is t…
gregg thurman said: My opinion of Qualcomm went into the toilet when I learned of their pricing practices. Since then I’ve looked forward to Apple separating from Qualcomm completely. Looks like my wishes will be coming true soon, and soon.…
I mean call me simple but I don't know, how about reliably and consistently updating the machine to the latest Intel architecture every year? Keep it as a simple silver box for the next 100 years for all I care just stop ripping off your customers b…
Hotel rooms, friends cars, friends stereo systems, my bose QC's, all use a headphone jack. These things will all have headphone jacks for the next 5-10 years. Removing the headphone jack was a travesty and i'll never forgive Apple for it until every…
randominternetperson said: I've owned 3 MacBook Airs and love my MBPwT. Sorry you didn't clarify that the MacBook Pro you were complaining about is the non-Touchbar model. I have no experience with that one. Edit: odd you complain about …
randominternetperson said: pentae said: After going from the Macbook Air to the Macbook Pro (fully specced out) I have wanted to go back to my Macbook Air. It was and still is a much, much better computer. The new MBP's (I'm on my 2nd)…
After going from the Macbook Air to the Macbook Pro (fully specced out) I have wanted to go back to my Macbook Air. It was and still is a much, much better computer. The new MBP's (I'm on my 2nd) run too hot and chew through the battery. I feel like…
gregg thurman said: You can sure tell who has a vision and who doesn't. All you have to do is read posts here and on other Apple centric sites, they're chock full of them. I'm not claiming to be privy to Apple's vision, or how good that visio…
What amuses me most about this is as an app store developer I have had to deal with crazy bullshit like this for years from Apple, but as soon as you bring it up in here you get told "Well don't like it? Go make your own app store then!" by so many …
Feels to me like Apple are losing its way ever since they removed the headphone jack on the i7, and then announced new laptops that you can't plug the new iPhones into by their USB cable. My wife, a huge Apple fan, actually wants to throw her 6 in t…
Just as I expected - a bunch of hypocrites. The minute an app developer claims 30% is extortion, everyone comes out with "Well go make your own app store then!" But when its happening to Apple it's "Grossly unfair". Which is it? There's a hell of a…
I wonder how many buyers of the ARKit just wanted a faster GPU after being denied one for the last decade from Apple.
You forgot to mention the 10s of thousands of us (100s of thousands?) that have a hackintosh build.