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  • Since the announcement at MacWorld I've had three windows users come over to my desk to look at my iPod, and tell me they are ordering one now that they are PC compatible. Not a scientific sample, but as one of the few Mac users in my company it mak…
  • I thought it was named that because it would finally satisfy the whiners.
  • I've currently got it running on a powermac 450 with a rage 128 card. The early versions were scary, but the newest release is stable enough I'm using it for day to day work right now. It's noticably faster as it is, but I've been considering upgrad…
  • Amorph, I hope you are right. That would really be a big bonus for some of the work I do. Right now, one of the few areas that windows still beats OS X for the things I do is the easy availability of web services. I can tuck an IE window into a smal…
  • Cleaner 6 is good, but slow at compressing MPEG2 files. I mean really, really slow when doing a two-pass conversion. But the quality is better than the Studio Pro's single pass conversion. However, you might look into Bitvice, which is my favorit…
  • One thing I don't understand is why there is only a yearly option. Several people here have mentioned how it is easy to come up with $8 a month, and I can agree with that. But I can't sign up for only $8 a month--I have to fork over the $100 dollard…
  • Like some other, I have both a mac and a pc under my desk, and use a KVM switch to pop back and forth. It comes in handy for testing , since I do a lot of cross platform multimedia stuff. I have a copy of DAVE, which works great for sharing the driv…
  • [quote] Has anyone here actually made a successful DVD-R using an iMac or PM ??? The reason I ask is that the other day, while leafing through a brit home-theatre rag, I read a reader complaint about his iMac DVD's not playing in his home DVD player…
  • [quote]Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook: 2 Issues to address: #1 If this were Apple with Steve giving the Demo you all would be going nuts. #2 It is a good idea with true function. It does indeed have a specific target consumer …
  • [quote]Originally posted by The Swan: Firstly, where do people get this silly idea that the TabletPC's are heavy?
  • [quote]That is why the Xserve multimedia performance tests were not much of an improvement if any because the Xserve has the 133 MHz connection (1.05 GB/s ?) to the system controller just as the older PM line had. Whereas the newer upper two PM's ha…