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  • Existence, Do you even own an Apple computer, or are you just here to rustle some feathers? Most of your posts bash Apple and praise PC's. This is getting ridiculous. \
  • Quote: Originally posted by applenut question.... what in the world makes you think these additions would result in a $700 price increase? For that matter, why would more empty space in a case and an additional connector and interface or two res…
  • Okay tiger, I hear where you are coming from but if you added what you think the G5 is lacking, would you be willing to spend the extra cash for that? So instead of $3000, it would be more like $3700 or more for dual 2ghz. It sounds to me like you a…
  • People seem to be complaining a lot about the price. Well who do you think picks up the check for all the R & D for the G5 chip? Hint: It aint Apple and it aint IBM. You want faster chips, you got a chip in (no pun intended.)
  • I always find it funny when Apple store employees supposedly have secret information on whats coming out. Like they are all buddies of Steve or something. News Flash: Although most of them are hardworking and nice people, they are on the bottom of t…
  • Happy days are here again The skies above are clear again So let's sing a song of cheer again Happy days are here again... Here's to all of us loyal Mac users around the world! Cheers!
  • If this leak is true, my powerbook 667 DVI is going to feel really dated after only a year. But I really want to send a letter to this idiot on Monday to ask him how he feels about his new PC.…
  • Quote: Originally posted by alcimedes it doesn't work permanently after you make the changes over airport? i know if you make any changes the airport basestation restarts itself. it takes a few minutes to come back online then. The only w…
  • Well, after messing around with this problem for a few hours, I noticed that if I connect my powerbook to the base station directly and set my connection settings for ethernet instead of airport, then I can use my password and everything works well…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Paul hmmmm i have a 667 DVI and a CF PC card... it works great... i am running 10.2.6... the brand is SanDisk... dunno...maybe it is your card? Wow, thats good to know. I thought it was the system software. I don'…
  • Quote: Originally posted by cybermonkey just have to chime in on this one viking, but everything is expensive in iceland apart from the free heating. Yeah, I guess (hoping no one would know that.) But being surrounded by the worlds' most bea…
  • Sorry, I might have combined two forums with my post. I was reading the Canadian prices forum and this one at the same time. Now who's confusing?
  • I just want to point out something that might be of interest here. Here in Iceland, a 12" powerbook is $2800 U.S.. The same computer in the U.S. is $1799. You might say that this is yet another example of Apple ripping off its international customer…
  • Quote: Originally posted by JLL Desktops are made in the US. The G3 Desktop I had said "made (or assembled) in Ireland."
  • Quote: Originally posted by Anders the White The dollar have been in free fall for a long time and currently is $1:6,5kr but we still pay 10 kr per $ when we buy Apple hardware like we did one year ago. And I can´t imagine the transportation …
  • That would be a little strange if all imported goods changed prices everyday based on the exchange rates. Yes the dollar is down now, but it could be higher tomorrow. Does that mean that someone has to change the price stickers everday? Anyway, some…
  • I have an idea. Since President Bush has ruined the U.S. economy, spent all of its surplus, made unemplyoment higher than ever, and left the U.S. with no allies, maybe Steve Jobs should think about running for president? He can't do any worse. Pres…
  • And if anyone asks, I'm not an American...I'm a Texan. [/B][/QUOTE] Thank God I moved to Europe.
  • Quote: Originally posted by der Kopf Where can I sign? [OTOH: I think the A2 is deemed just too small for American tastebuds, shaped and blunted by SUVS as they are. --> that's a joke, playing out a national stereotype, no harm intended.] …
  • Sheesh, are we going through his again? Okay, I'm going to make a petition that Audi sell its A2 car in the U.S.. They sell more cars in the U.S. than in Germany so it makes sense right? Its a neverending story.