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  • Quote: Originally posted by applenut grow up? a thread about a future hardware product was removed from the future hardware forum. perhaps you need to reevaluate things instead of telling people to grow up. No Kidding
  • Quote: Originally posted by Rhumgod I'm hoping people will, some day soon, get the fact that iPod = Digital Hub. Aside from that, I would bet we will see something similar at MWSF 05. I am hoping one day, one day very soon people will real…
  • You know, who was it that moved this tread. Last time I checked this IS future Apple Hardware. Like common people this belongs in Future Hardware. Very stupid to move this
  • Quote: Originally posted by Aquatic Blurry probably. EyeTV is stupid and uses MPEG 1 instead of MPEG 4. Over FireWire crisp I assume. Thats what I was wondering, thanks a million.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Aquatic I have the same setup, Satellite and 12". I'd like to do that too. What you'll need is an outboard converter. Either USB like EyeTV or FireWire like from Formac. and…
  • Yea thanks, now I cant wait for tommorrow!
  • Yea, I have looked everywhere (well oviously not everywhere) for Jobs first keynote. \ 8)
  • Quote: Originally posted by Guartho And connecting the delicate innards of my Mac to something that is also a lightning rod is not first on my list of fun things to do today... LOL so true...
  • [quote]Originally posted by Brad: I take it you're new here. We don't have access to the main page. If you were to read back through some of the Suggestions threads you'd see a number of times where I've ranted about not having proper ful…
  • [quote]Originally posted by murbot: You are concerned about security, and you use only a couple of different passwords for all of your online activity. Interesting. LMAO
  • [quote]Originally posted by gsfmark: yeah, about the 17 inch screen kicking butt... I assumed that it would be the same as my apple 17 inch studio display (CRT), but it isn't as crisp. in fact, i really don't like this screen at all.. It just seems…
  • [quote]Originally posted by O-Mac: Well....It Ain't Microsoft!! Think!... If I had a dime for every time my Windows PC crashed. iBuy...then you'll buy too... Think Different...and look different too... LOL I LOVE IT !
  • [quote]Originally posted by SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME: Sorry about the screen name. Yes, these do exist, they're called volumetric displays, and are usually quite small and very expensive, but, there are rumours that Apple computers will use this t…
  • [quote]Originally posted by M3D Jack: It would technically be called a "Hologram". There are systems that can mimic a hologram using mirrors. Sega had a video game a while back that looked like you were controlling holographic characters. It wa…
  • [quote]Originally posted by ast3r3x: ok ok i'm full of lies and deceit, but its pretty functional for what it is haha
  • [ 02-16-2003: Message edited by: Mac_Man ]
  • [quote]Originally posted by torifile: Not to mention that telemarketers often prey upon the elderly, who can be cognitively compromised. That's just unethical behavior. I don't know how many times I've had families of possibly dementing (that's Alz…
  • [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce: Oh man you MISSED IT? EDIT: Damn you, dogcow, for posting before me. [ 01-26-2003: Message edited by: ShawnPatrickJoyce ] LMAO, All I like the SuperBowl for is the adds, man I was pis…
    in Apple Ad Comment by mac_man January 2003