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Quote: Originally Posted by vinea Empty words. And not proof at all. No listing of what patents they hold or what they do with them. It's BS. You are talking BS. The page clearly explains what they are doing with their patents. Nothing t…
Quote: Originally Posted by vinea So show me where they grant royalty free use of their patents. The explain it quite clearly here: "As a highly innovative company, Opera Software comes up with many i…
Quote: Originally Posted by vinea Given that StatCounter numbers are just as divergent from other sources as Net Applications I'm guessing the only reason you like StatCounter is that it supports your position. I'm referring to StatCounter bec…
Quote: Originally Posted by vinea I'm saying that if you don't believe in software patents then the purist answer is to not hold any and not to infringe on anyone else's. I know that for Apple fanboys, "purist" is great, but Opera needs to liv…
Quote: Originally Posted by vinea No, I'm saying that your source of "facts" is biased and what you state as "facts" are actually opinions. The raw numbers are right there. Raw numbers are not "opinions". Quote: The point is that it doesn'…
Quote: Originally Posted by Quadra 610 It took virtually forever for Firefox to catch on as it has. Well, no. Firefox started taking off even before version 1.0 was released, if I am not mistaken. Why? Because people had a compelling rea…
Quote: Originally Posted by vinea Opera doesn't believe in software patents but holds them anyway as "defensive" software patents. Of course, these hold zero value against a patent troll so why do they hold them? What makes you think they are…
Quote: Originally Posted by vinea Yes, because the opinions from an opera blog should be considered unbiased and not self serving at all. That's rich You clearly can't refute the facts that are presented, so you resort to attacking the person …
Quote: Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer Is there a reason for tinyurl? It's short and easy to remember. Is there a reason why you are trying to change the subject? Quote: You'd think the folks at Opera would know better to avoid white s…
The fact that "Net Applications is almost exclusively U.S.-focused, and that they have lied and manipulated their own statistics several times".
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross If you presented some, we could discuss them. I did present you with facts that Net Applications is almost exclusively U.S.-focused, and that they have lied and manipulated their own statistics several time…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross I'm very skeptical of those results because as it even says on that page, in another article, that Firefox has become the most popular browser in Europe. No, it says that Firefox 3 has become the most popul…
Quote: Originally Posted by xpc This reminds me of the Amazon "one-click purchase" battle that raged for a while (solution, make it two clicks) - or the media autoplay in Flash embeds. Click to play solved that one. The latter is actually a g…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross I do find it interesting that those who have been involved some way with patents and IP, such as myself, tend to favor patents and copyrights, while those who haven't, don't. Yet another red herring. This i…
But anyway, all of this market share nonsense is besides the point. Opera tripled its profits last quarter. Income increased more than 50%. Desktop income alone increased more than 100%! The user base on desktop more than doubled in less than two…
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism Opera certainly had some innovative additions in years past but that stuff is now standardizing and I see no way for them to gain a meaningful marketshare, especially when Chrome is already beating it. Ch…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross OS X is protected overall, as to USAGE, by copyright laws. but individual parts, the parts people argue about, are also protected by patents. Distribution, usage, etc. is already protected by copyright laws…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross If software companies had copyright protection for their work, and it provided ample protection, would you want that instead? Oh, but they do! Mac OS X is protected by copyright laws! But I guess Apple i…
Software patents - for kids: Should be understandable to most people What do you think about the arguments, such as the one where software patents are being used by big corporations with lots of m…
Let's see what the experts are saying regarding software patents. How about Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin? You know, actual expert statements based on actual research? Quote: Maskin suggested that software patents inhibit innovation rather than stimu…