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- utmostcertainty
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Quote: Originally posted by onlooker The makers of DOOM3 are recommending the Geforce FX 6800 Ultra, and giving it top honors. Benchmarks Interesting how there's little difference between the 8X AGP and PCIe on the benchmarks.
Quote: Originally posted by TednDi syn·es·thete (sîn¹îs-thêt´) noun A person who experiences synesthesia, as by having a secondary sensation of sound as color or of color as sound. Well, Synaesthesia isn't limited to just auditory or vis…
Will you idiots shut up about color screen iPods already? It's a stupid, completely impractical idea. And it's getting really annoying seeing thread after thread with naive pipedreams about it. Just drop it.
Apple fell behind the curve a long time ago, and are remaining there ever-despairingly so. I doubt we'll ever see a dual core desktop PPC chip in an Apple branded computer until late in 2005 at the earliest. Predictably behind the competition as a…
Am I the only one here that thinks the idea of having a "VideoPod" is a really stupid idea? Someone please tell me i'm not alone on this.
Nah, it'd be a simultaenous release. According to nVidia, they're slated to become the majority provider for video cards in Macintosh computer units, so why not? Reasoning from circumstances as they are... I would say that Apple will most likely r…
Don't be so optimistic. Your appetite for enthusiasm will thank you later. [ 08-03-2002: Message edited by: utmostcertainty ]
Yeah, if you look on the Apple Store Education site they sell the 733mhz model, as well as the current three.