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  • So far, no one has posted the one remaining problem with the iSub and OS X. A new problem in 10.2, when you mute the sound, the iSub doesn't mute.
  • It's been so long, I can't remember exactly. It's just the way I think. I broke my own code down into the way I think and made the calls reach around for each other. The advantage was that I could do error handling while making the overall code l…
  • I like the idea of object-oriented programming. Way back in my Pascal days, I'd get F's on my code because the teacher only looked at the code printout and couldn't see how it would work. When I made the teacher run it however, it ran better than …
  • simplify my reply 1) I'd like to focus maily on OS other words, Cocoa programming. I wouldn't mind learning some skills that might carry could come in handy at some point. 2) I'm not concerned with OS 9. I'll take Appl…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Kickaha: Well, you certainly don't have a lack of possibilities. Unfortunately, this means that you should probably answer some questions for yourself regarding what you want to do, or get out of it. 1) Are y…
  • Here's another wierd one. When I add new items to the desktop...specifically when I download new stuff, it tends to stack iconds on top of one another. It's really annoying.
  • I had the same problem putting my machine to sleep in Jaguar, but I fixed it. It's pretty simple. Reset the PRAM. As soon as I did this, it worked. This is not exclusive to 10.2, as I've seen this happen with 10.1
  • After installing the update, my Wacom Graphire2 tablet won't work. This is very annoying.
  • So what is the usefulness of the UNIX File System on a UNIX operating system like OS X? Why would we use it at all with all these problems?
  • Something of guys are all talking about the Powebook and have missed something. CompUSA has stopped listing the low end iBook on their website. When CompUSA discontinues an Apple product, it's because they know something.