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Quote: Originally Posted by DaHarder The fact that you consider mere 640x840 pixel pics 'overly large' explains so much as to your obvious bitterness. Now come on you can do better than that. Being constructive, not. And yes overly large pict…
Quote: Originally Posted by DaHarder ...and of course all of those Android apps from that Kindle Fire that can so easily be run on iOS devices - Oh Wait! Oh Wait!, hell its not as though most of the useful Android apps were ported (others copi…
Quote: Originally Posted by MJ1970 If you really want more manufacturing in the US, then lobby for more employment deregulation, including any special legal privileges granted to unions. But, in the end, this is the dynamic that happens. There…
Wow, I'm all a Twitter.
Quote: Originally Posted by dagamer34 Simply put, most large scale businesses don't have a 30% profit margin, and even fewer would be as sustainable if they just decided to give it away to Apple. And because of their rules, especially the one req…
Quote: Originally Posted by compulsiveguile I was wondering if there were any apps/hacks out there that *I can't believe I'm saying this* give similar "window Snapping" functionality that Windows 7 offers? I'm quite jealous of this feature. …