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  • This is it. I'll bet on it. And I'm darn sure it looks awesomely powerfull and stylish in real.
  • R O F L, that screen made my day
  • They're all gonna be available January 25th, same time as iLife.
  • [quote]Originally posted by JLL: Use the same shortcut as in the rest of Mac OS X: Cmd-< (Cmd-> cycles the other way). YES! Thanks, works great and it's a really convenient one-handed one.
    in Safari Comment by richard January 2003
  • [quote]Originally posted by IToldYouSo: Command-tilde Hmm.... I thought so, too, first, 'cause it's the same in IE, and that works there, too, for me. BUT: I'm using Swiss keylayout, and in IE Command-Option-n (to get tilde) works, but not s…
    in Safari Comment by richard January 2003
  • I second that. Another thing I noticed: there's no shortcut for window cycling, that really annoys me, I use it all the time in IE. Otherwise: Great app, great keynote!!!
    in Safari Comment by richard January 2003
  • great, thanks Brad! I'll check 'em out. especially the dual-proc one, since i'm running on 2x800...
  • i just decided to start a new thread with this post... go see "Quake 3 .cfg help appreciated" [ 08-28-2002: Message edited by: Richard ]
  • It's in Current Hardware, I started it, it's called "New PB Graphics". Not much more info though. I'm quite sure the ATI chip is quite a bit faster. Let's hope it's swappable, as noted on
  • Reading this forum for a couple month now, first post ever: How about getting ready for nothing more than a moderate speed bump, say the 1.25ghz claimed by macminute? It seems odd to me that Apple didn't announce the update, one would think th…
  • Reading this forum for a couple month now, first post ever: How about getting ready for nothing more than a moderate speed bump, say the 1.25ghz claimed by macminute? It seems odd to me that Apple didn't announce the update, one would think th…