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- rorybalmer
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I ate no-name mac n' cheese on my couch/bed last night.
Quote: Originally Posted by JeffDM I'd probably call it a loss at that point, maybe he's not aware of the cost of parts. Yes, it still functions, but replacing the front display and the back glass is nearly $400 in parts. The frame is probably …
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism Good question, because that is a serious drop in iOS interest in a few months. Thats not what this says.. They are comparing android to iPhone not to iOS. I never could understand this comparison.. They ar…
Beating a dead horse.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr Underhill Well I'm sure you know what your talking about when it comes to photography but frankly the majority of users don't, myself included. I think HDR offers a marked improvement and there's no fiddling abo…
Quote: Originally Posted by Newtron Why do they do that? Altruism? Nope. They think that is the best means to their desired end: to maximize profits. If having the best "product user experience" were an imperfect method of maximizing tot…
These numbers are literally just guesses. Not defending Apple or Google. Just saying its based on repeated previous growths year over year.. with no account for any future achievments or blunders on either companies part. Guessing a year from n…
Quote: Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody Being forced to tell your gender *is* offensive to large amounts of people whether you believe it or not. By your commentary it seems that you aren't the most sophisticated person but your experience doe…
Quote: Originally Posted by Blackintosh So Apple would have to license it. So what? Why is it not okay for Apple to pay another company for existing widely used technology? I know Flash is terrible and evil, but do you and the AI community hav…
Quote: Originally Posted by Blackintosh I know I wont win any arguments here over porn. I bet most of the forum here wouldn't know what to do with a woman if they had one naked right in front of them. Which is why you need porn?
Quote: Originally Posted by matrix07 My question is why only music-related for Ping? Why not multi-media? After all Apple also sell movies and books in iTunes, does it not? Again.. its ONE day old.. lol. This is a great idea dude.. submit it …
Quote: Originally Posted by nkhm You complain that apple is using proprtietary video streaming technology and then suggest that something as closed as skype or aim should be used as a basis for this? Maybe you should go the whole hog and say it …
Quote: Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody Personally, I'd rather see Apple go it alone than integrate Facebook. That being said, Ping sucks and I won't be using it. Check out this description of Ping activation, it's enough to make you laugh…
Did they really complain about the layout?? is there layout not just like myspace was? I dunno, I like Ping.. It's nice to see a social netwrok about something besides stalking your ex-girlfriend. It needs more features like a wall to psot on…
So I'm here to officially put my foot in my mouth. I went on a couple days ago about how there was no way the stream would be successful with the amount of traffic it would get.. and that it would look super bad for Apple. I started the stream…
Quote: Originally Posted by SpamSandwich I'm still not convinced there actually was a WiFi "meltdown" at the iPhone 4 unveiling. What was Steve's hand position when he lost the signal? holding the phone wrong "supposedly causes loss of cell si…
Quote: Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach On the first look it seems to be nice. .... Just don' look twice! honestly now, I have bought my iPad 64GB 3G along with a Bluetooth Keyboard because well I just thought along similar lines as you do. But…
It's been said, but yah.. at this point if you need all this the iPad probably just isn't the product for you.. get a laptop. It does look good though.
Quote: Originally Posted by stuffe I thought my 3G didn't come with the tool for years until I got my iPhone 4 and saw where it was cunningly placed... Weird that they don't ship the tool with iPhone 4 in the US, but do elsewhere? Why? And…
Quote: Originally Posted by estolinski Wow, they were really put to the test when charged with creating the SIM ejector tool. Since my iPhone4 didn't ship with one of these marvels of engineering, I was forced to develop my own: a paperclip. I…