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  • Ah bluebird, I don't buy what you're saying. So throw me a few bones and make a believer out of me. You talk of panes. Didn't Windows 1.0 use panes? How are yours better? Are you talking about a 3D environment? You say that some of IBMs ".…
  • Tonton, There is a reason why high level executives have personal assistants.
  • [quote]quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Brad: I suspect padding Steve Jobs' wallet with his annual $43,000,000 bonus has something to do with it...…
  • [quote] The flat-panel iMac uses the Samsung LTM150XI LCD in the flat-panel iMac, it costs roughly $140 in commercial volume, it is the cheapest TFT LCD made, and is typically used in crappy laptops sold in Asia. Such as the ECS desknotes. The r…
  • Maybe the better question is why are PC's so cheap? With 2 exceptions Macs are selling at about the same price points they have been for years. Powerbooks are for some odd reason at their highest prices ever and the high iMacs are testing out a hi…
  • 1) I don't believe that we will be getting a 970 Mac until the 2nd half of 2003. 2) Panther, which is one of pieces that will force OSX only boots, won't be availible until July 03 anyway. Lack of enablers and drivers for 9 will be the other pie…
  • in Gigawire? Comment by frost December 2002
  • [quote]Originally posted by Ensign Pulver: Wow, you guys amaze me. Ruiz gives the lamest keynote in history filled with marketing non-speak like the above, doesn't even mention the Mac in any conceivable context and you still want to believe it…
  • Interesting words from the businesswire article: "We can continue to do business the old way, or we can choose a new direction to move the technology industry as a whole forward. I urge you to demand that those companies who are currently serving yo…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Apfelsaft: Just look at
  • A 1ghz G4 iMac would have to have at least a 133mhz bus. I forget offhand what the max bus multiplier for the G4 was, but I recall it was below 10.
  • As of June 30 Gateway's total assets were 2.6B. This includes $500 M in plant and property, which would come into play if they declare backruptcy. So they have about $2.1Billion. Total liablity is $1.Billion. Assest-libilies= $1.1 Billion. Th…
  • chipchen Your contention that Gateway can make money is true as long as people working at gateway are willing to not pay their house payments, car payments, feed and clothe their children, walk to work barefoot, and skip a few meals a day such as …
  • 2/3rds gone, no not yet. Maybe when this has bottomed out, but I doubt it would go that far. You did pick a pretty large number to be on the safe side for your argument, but the changes don't need to be so drastic, even a 10% to 20% change would…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Stagflation Steve: Unless Apple offers a competitive entry level desktop they are screwed, Apple has no trouble offering competitive notebook systems, If Apple can make an inexpensive and competitive laptop, why th…
  • [quote]Originally posted by satchmo: Is it just me or does anyone else not get excited by Bluetooth? If this article is correct and if Bluetooth is "the feature" reason to upgrade to the new Powerbooks, I'll pass. When Apple swiched from ADB…
  • Tonton, There is a reason why high level executives have personal assistants.
  • It seems some place very hot must be covered over with ice. The Appleinsider front page has been updated! I wonder if they mean both the iBook and Powerbook when they say "Sources indicate that a revision to Apple's portable lines is on the horiz…