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  • [quote]Originally posted by MacLuv: Oh man. Too funny. <-- happy new year Thank you. Same to you. PS. I don't do stand up. So we'll have to wait til year's end to find out who's to have the last laugh.
  • [quote]Originally posted by snoopy: Everybody is right, in a way. Everybody is looking at the same thing from a different angle, and each side of the issue looks different. Rather than propose yet another way to increase market share, here are a …
  • Try this: -Open terminal -type the following that is in quotes, without the quotes of course: "cd /etc/httpd" -"sudo pico httpd.conf" -and enter in your admin password -press control-w -type in "standalone server listens" without the quotes …
  • [quote]Originally posted by Matsu: What do we do if there's a material breach? Trust me, they wont find any material breach or a smoking gun. I would recommend they wear them gas masks though.
  • [quote]Originally posted by Matsu: So you're saying we can't talk about SJO's ass? Should we send a UN inspection team?
  • [quote]Originally posted by Sondjata: . . Learn some world history before making wild eyed "The arabs are coming" scare tactic statements I think it is you that should learn a little history. Or maybe you already know it. Anyways, Every …
  • [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale: Uh oh. zMench joins the Scott-brigade, showing his true colors again. Yawn. zMench, if you want to discuss something, do try an actual argument, with some actual facts instead of stamping y…
  • Ok Sam. Don?t go to war. Leave things as they are. How long before every Arab/Islamic country has these WoMD? So now they have these weapons. How long before the Imams get their rhetoric hot enough that their followers start crashing themselves w…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Artman @_@: heh. Do...still...maybe. I've been through some rough shit job wise and in life in general the past 3 years...I am not like this in real life. I seem to express more of the rage in me online than in real …
  • Don?t worry ?bout the Saudis. They?ll get theirs soon enough. But we need Iraqi Oil as replacement before we turn off the lights in Riyadh. btw, many involved in 9/11 were Egyptians.. [ 01-29-2003: Message edited by: zMench ]
  • [quote]Originally posted by Artman @_@: . . Said my piece...wipe pants...move on. I had the impression you Art man had a more sensitive soul.
  • Very well said Matsu. Only the French (and the Germans) are playing a double game here. Their Â?oppositionÂ? to the war really needs to be seen as a maneuver vis-Ã*-vis the new EU members. France also hopes that through a common citizenship with…
  • Sondjata, The enemy of your *greater* enemy is your friend. Better to fight your enemies through proxy.
  • [quote]Originally posted by BR: There is a not so fine line between dismissing true anti-American rhetoric and dismissing anything that criticizes the United States. Furthermore, Scott often ignores the message and dismisses ideas based solely o…
  • Actually, Scott is one of a few here at AI that has clarity of mind and logic to cut through the anti-American BS one so often hears here. I read his posts with envy for their lack of verbiage. Something I never seem to get away from.
  • I bet all of these lame bickerings can be traced directly to Apple?s lame hardware offerings.
  • Artman @_@ , End of the month pms? C'mon, shake it off. You need to be stronger than that.
  • [quote]Originally posted by Samantha Joanne Ollendale: To add to the original post: . . Saddam was our ally in the 1980s, when his military gassed the Kurds and executed hundreds of potential opponents, and whole bunch of other atrocities. Tnat …
  • My complements to you Leonis. Not only on your beautiful web site but also on the very nice pics you?ve taken. They capture the place exactly as I imagined it: a cold and lonely wonderland. You have a good eye for photography, but I'd like you write…