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  • [quote]Originally posted by ast3r3x: everything is GIANT now though, 1152x864 and still too much screen space is taken up by the task bar and window menu bars! I use WinXP quite a bit and there's a fair bit you can do about that. 1. Rig…
    in Win XP Comment by aesir February 2003
  • Here's a good place for some data of recent years:
  • [quote] Apple Computer, the fifth-largest manufacturer in the United States, saw its U.S. market share rise from 2.9 percent to 3 percent in the fourth quarter. Unfortunately their overall marketshare has dropped to 1.93%...
  • [quote] Originally posted by cygsid: I just don't get it. Why is Apple still losing market share despite all the fantastic products they're coming up with? The big 3: Ubiquity. Familiarity. Momentum. [quote]Originally posted by neutr…
  • [quote] Apple may have the power and opportunity to destory Microsoft, and after this last keynote, it's painfully obvious how. It always amuses me to hear some people spout off about Apple as though it were any real competition to the "PC world…
  • Lemon Bon Bon... While your suggestions are all well and good, this is nowhere near enough to fight the momentum in the industry in any real way. Oh they could see sales spikes with some of what you're suggesting but not enough to reverse the lon…
  • [quote] MacLuv: Apple's market share was cut short when the boys at Apple didn't know what critical mass implied and opted to tell Mr. Gates and family to **** off when he wanted to port Apple's OS. FTR, I'm not talking about the factors…
  • Greetings... Although I don't normally post in this forum, I can see the most influential forces that affect Mac marketshare are largely missed here. Lungaretta is the only one I can see who has touched upon the 2 largest factors: Momentum of …