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  • The next big thing will be robotics. They will be designed in Japan, the AIs will be written in India, and will be built in China. They will be sent here and take over the rest the of jobs that can't be outsourced to another country. D@/\\/\ …
  • Quote: Originally posted by planetWC Or is Apple no better than the tier 2 and tier 3 PC vendors who offshore their products? HP is a tier 1 vendor and quite a bit of their manufacturing is done by third party offshore manufacturers. Apple…
  • Quote: Originally posted by wizard69 The first possibility is that they produce a 970 variant with a larger cache and a reduced speed FSB. The cache could potentially make up for the slower FSB. Are you talking about a larger cache on the …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Messiahtosh My guess is, right now the mini is taking up all of the distribution. ] No, the are lots of planes and ships crossing the Paciific that are carrying stuff that have absolutely nothing to do with App…
  • Quote: Originally posted by jouster It's odd how long the guessing/arguing about a portable HP manu'd, OS X based device has lasted, when about four or five people have translated the rumor, revealing it to be about something completely different…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Krassy did you ever see a die-shrink that hasn't resulted in higher clockspeeds? Motorola when it went from the 7455 to the 7457. They actually dropped from 1.4GHZ to 1.3 GHZ, but that is just one aberation and n…
  • Quote: Originally posted by geekmeet mr.macphisto ive been thinking about this whole powerbook issue again. what good would it be for apple to introduce a powerbook based on the 750vx if they intend to use the 980 later? why dont they just wai…
  • Quote: Originally posted by whoami so what kind of info about the upcoming G5 desktop revision does the G5 xserve's specs give us? i'm sure some of you guys are waiting for a machine other than a small headless mac! You mean this? "IBM u…
  • Magnetic induction headphones might not be bad. They use less power than bluetooth, or so I have read anyway. I don't know about the sound quality on them. If an iPod could act as a WiMedia device, it might not have to be plugged into a comput…
  • Quote: Originally posted by pscates It's almost seems TOO quiet. Usually, by this point, aren't we all ridiculously torqued up and breathless with anticipation? Just seems a little more low-key than usual. From the hardwa…
  • Quote: Originally posted by k_munic maybe a bit silly comment - but, is an update of hardware of any relevance for a developer?! It's not a silly comment. The G5 was a big event last year as it set the direction of Mac programing for the …
  • If this is what you see, then you need glasses
  • Quote: Originally posted by onlooker I've never heard SJ say No Tablet from Apple. I would like to see a link to that quote. Go to google and type "tablet jobs" and you will find plenty of links.
  • Quote: Originally posted by fred_lj Just to be explicit about what the brochure says: ....multi-gigahertz........... I like the sound of that word. Hopefully, they mean much more than just 2 or 3. Just a few comments on the discussion he…
  • Quote: Originally posted by rickag True, but having more transistors and having them more densly packed has to affect production costs. If I remember correctly, it has been mentioned that IBM utilizes some automated design tools to speed up the …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Mark- Card Carrying FanaticRealist G5 costs less on a per-unit basis than G4s! That is a rumor that has never been proven. If I recall correctly it orginally was on that MacWhipsers site and many of their rumors…
  • It is a good idea but I wouldn't bet on anything like this happening. Apple should realize that just like they liked having multiple suppliers for the PowerPC, that many government and corporate buyers like having multiple suppliers for their …
  • Quote: Originally posted by DefJef It can punch 1 trillion bits (1 terabyte) into 1 square inch. Minor nitpicking. 1 trillion bits would be 125Gigabyes. Still quite a bit and still impressive
  • 2 problems 1) What can be lost will be lost 2)Your snap off plate would have to have its own battery. Increasing size and weight of the total package
  • I think over the next couple of years you will see portables continue to errode marketshare from the iMac. However, just about any laptop part is more expensive than the equivalent desktop part. Apple won't completely stop making iMacs until you …