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  • Quote: Originally Posted by iGenius I got my turntable up and running again, thinking I'd use it. I dug out lots of great old stuff. But the system I have now isn't what I used to have. Years ago, I replaced the guts of the music system and …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by grking This was cleared up last night, and was based on a misunderstanding on my part. I come from a field (biomedicine) where the term "industry standards/standard of care/best practices" are required, not optional. …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by iGenius First question: Are you using a Mac? That might be it. They have problems surfing the 'web. They crash when viewing many popular websites. How about a couple of examples ... No porn please.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by tommyrenob 90% of you on here are complete morons and are blinded by what Jobs/Apple dictates. Soooo let's get this out of the way first, I think Apple computers are superior, I think the company is the best out th…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by grking some of it is frustration, some of it is the truth. I understand why SJ doesn't want Flash on his products. From Apple's point of view, it makes perfect sense, and at a certain level I agree with him. OTOH,…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by grking Where I do not understand you though is why this is justification for either outlawing flash (which is what the effect would be if HTML 5 were made the industry standard) or why Adobe should voluntary give up a …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by PatsFan83 I think ATT realizes that we are witnessing a history making shift with mobile devices, and it's better to be on board now rather than later. The temporary setback of networks being bogged down is worth it wh…