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  • I ran a later incarnation of the BeOS (Release four aka R4) on a dual Pentium II 350 with 128MB of RAM and an U/W SCSI controller with an attached U/W SCSI HD. While it is true that the BeOS really lacked quality name-brand apps, there were a number…
  • I am in a very similar position. I am interesting in being able to have all my music with me in one handy little unit but the price is holding me back. Additionally, not being able to adjust bass and treble isn't very desirable. I think I too will w…
  • As far as I know, you cannot low-level format a drive from within an operating system. I have to use a utility provided by IBM to low-level format my drives on my PC, which requires restarting from a set of floppies. If you want to get rid of eve…
  • Regarding the Microsoft and their "over-zealous" copy protection scheme. Although they have quite a stranglehold on the market, it is fair for them to request that one copy is purchased for each CPU. Running two copies of Office v.X concurrently wou…
  • So I read this whole board and I have one conclusion to make about OS X and mp3s at this point: the software isn't optimized/mature enough at this point. I realize that iTunes is based on SounjamMP but it still isn't where Winamp is on the PC. I hav…
  • I recently ordered a Timbuk2 messenger bag and I'm quite impressed. This is my second messenger bag from them. Timbuk2 also makes the Commuter Computer bag which has some extra features, but I'm sure it just as well made as their other bags.The feat…