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I can never escape the feeling that gazoobee simply can't comment on the actual story.
Quote: Originally Posted by 'Apple Why didn't Google sue Apple directly instead of giving patents to HTC? Because Google isn't really interested in suing anyone? Remember, Apple sued HTC first, right? Quote: And why is Samsung trying to su…
I'm pretty sure Apple was "forced" into this. I think there was some issue where the patent troll threatened to sue Apple or Apple/iOS developers, but they would apparently shut up if Apple gave them some patents for free. The primary reason behi…
Quote: Originally Posted by depannist Okay, you win. Let's go with your version of reality. Nothing has changed for developers since the introduction of the AppStore. Those 1000 people working in the gaming industry were probably all lying any…
Quote: Originally Posted by depannist I never said mobile games didn't exist. Apple changed they way business is done. $2.5 billion paid out to developers in approximately 4 years. What's the equivalent payout to Getjar publishers? They alway…
Get the soundtrack on iTunes?
Quote: Originally Posted by nvidia2008 Whether it be Angry Birds, ShootEmzAllUp, Mass Effect 2 or FarmVille, I think we should recognise all these different forms. This is an important point. Some types of games simply won't work well without …
Quote: Originally Posted by maccherry IMHO, if Apple offered the iphone and ipod touch in a gaming centric(tactile buttons) BTO(build to order), Nintendo's game boy and the psp and vita would be destroyed market wise. Why? Quote: Originally…
Quote: Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer Angry Birds exceeded 350 Million in games sold back in September. At $4.99 a sale you do the math. You mean .99? Quote: With sales like that it's clear that Halo won't compete. Halo? Why not Super…
Quote: Originally Posted by depannist Apple changed the industry by opening it up to more developers. There used to be a high entry fee to make money in the gaming world. Nope. Mobile games had existed for ages before the iPhone arrived. Look…
Quote: Originally Posted by Jacksons Now which ONE company has 100 game titles that are as popular as Angry birds? Not 100 perhaps, but Nintendo sure does have a lot of popular games.
Quote: Originally Posted by GQB I'll never understand how gamers think that a handful of clunky buttons compares with the potential of a device that responds to tilt, orientation, touch, sound, global position, etc etc. Buttons compare very fa…
Quote: Originally Posted by bettieblue Think of it this way. Let say there are 50 million Xbox's out there and maybe 50% of those play Halo. Vs 100 million iOS devices and 50% of them play Angry birds. Halo cost $59 AB cost $.99 Which co…
App store was in use long before Apple started using it. Silly of them to lie like this.
Quote: Originally Posted by illimiter 1) Who created the value associated with App Store? ...Apple Irrelevant. They stole an existing generic term and tried to monopolize it. You can't do that. Quote: 3) Is it a generic term? ...Iffy. In m…
Quote: Originally Posted by TBell Apple made the concept of an app store popular. What about sites like GetJar, that existed long before Apple's app store? They were referred to as app stores before Apple started using the term, and had billio…
Quote: Apple denies that, based on their common meaning, the words 'app store' together denote a store for apps So what do these words together denote, then? I mean, people were using it before Apple, so I'm not sure what this is all about. …
Quote: Originally Posted by tonton Care to elaborate? The MPEG-LA is an industry cartel which can set the price to whatever suits them. If they manage to kill off WebM, there will be no reason not to screw everyone up the backside. Quote: …
Quote: Originally Posted by Hiro Again with the propaganda. It's a simple fact. H264 is closed. Closed technologies can never become part of any open web standard. Quote: A couple months ago I listened to Vinton Cerf speak of the necessi…
Quote: Originally Posted by MacTom Seems like Google is learning that user experience becomes much more important than openness. There are always trade-offs, but keeping the customer happy should be the most important. You can still fork Andro…