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  • How about a Slate instead of a cube... what attracted me to the cube was, wooow, i can finally take my hard drive on to the airplane. Slate, basically a laptop, without the keyboard and monitor($$). Jobs is right that Desktops will vanish much…
  • Quote: Originally posted by wyntir So. Everyone knows that it is incredibly handy to have a mouse with more than one button. Everyone knows Apple likes handy things. Why hasn't Apple shipped a 2+ button mouse yet? The most likely answer is that …
  • well, it's tuesday....hmmm. tick tick tick tick...
  • Quote: Originally posted by Masker Umm now? Aluminum displays here = 24" LCD even! MSKR Those Monitors are AMAZINGGGGG!!!!! why cant AMERICA be more design conscious... thats why they dont sell it here, sure they cost a h…
  • 37 dbl, man...isnt that literally a quiet room....quiet room=34-35 dbl.. a foamed up sound room is like 15-25 dbl.
  • the handles is what makes it look different that other desktops! otherwise, just looks like a PC.
  • Is this real??? it is tuesday... and an apple phone would be sweet these days..
  • Hmm. toshiba...that is mighty nice looking, but the 5Gb is not worth it. Maybe if it wass a 30 like the iPod it would compete.. I know Philips has a 15 GB beta version being tested now...looks mighty nice, black, glass, metal...called the HD100. …
  • 60 GB of music is toooo much...i agree, although i know a ton of ppl with 15-20 GB of music, and like the ability to store their favorite other DATA files on the Portable devices..videos, work files, programs, etc
  • Yo, these images of the iPod are mad dare these people even think of making such an ugly mock-up. The news is coming next week...we all wait..but, please stop making ppl think apples designs will look this bad.
  • Just Realizing..this such a copy of the iMac bar. check it..
  • an answer to that first Tablet PC image found.... its an acer...
  • Quote: Originally posted by Macrat My 10 minutes of fun: Nice dude.....maybe we can make a thread of Pc images running OSX now
  • They use to use Apple Garamond... but that was a few yrs ago...
  • Quote: Originally posted by marloe not sure if this link has been sent out, but with all the apple tablet rumors.. The tablet portion looks great, but the base is kinda ugly. Is t…
  • Quote: Originally posted by othello but it is Myriad! you must be kidding..they might use myriad on their webpage, for LIVETYPE,,,,,but I thought you were talking about the "i" in iBook, iTablet, iMac,..... unless you are the Graphic desig…
  • Quote: Originally posted by othello thats the old font -- apple uses myriad now for everything... (plus, why is that mock-up running XP?? ) might look like mYriad,,,,but apple for sure has their own customized font…
  • i wonder how thick this tablet is, or how thick the Apple tablet will be...? most tablets are pretty thick now, 1.5" or so...most SLATE tablets are a little thinner, 1"-1.5" but, knowing apple, a tablet that was a almost as thin as a clipboard, yet …
  • Yeah, i'm not to shabby about this concept or design..i think FROG desing has something similiar that they did with motorola,