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- shaguar
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..$1000 is too much for a Cinema. Apple offers a High Defenition 20 inch for 1299. And plus you have two bad pixels.
When I get my PowerBook in the next two weeks im gonna bring it to school with me. I cant type faster than I can write. [ 02-25-2003: Message edited by: shaguar ]
[quote]Originally posted by EmAn: Yeah, $1400 is way too much. I don't even think eBay idiots would pay that much. Thats just the Buy It NOW price.
Matsu, for your first 4000 posts you didnt use a mac? not critisizing because my first 250 posts on another forum I was using a vaio but thats alot of posts.
that is of the AluBook ovcoarse.
gaaaaah im so god damn jealous. have a great time.
[quote]Originally posted by Steve: [QB] Thats gonna be my set up soon. Very nice
[quote]Originally posted by Bodhi: [ 02-22-2003: Message edited by: Bodhi ] Very Very Nice. Is the 12 screen kinda annoying compared to the 15?
Iraq has to do with terrorism though. And N.Korea, Pakistan and Russia dont have Sadaam Hussein ruling them. The leader of NKorea is a crazy focker but he has no goals, not even to re-unite Korea. All he wants to is have his family and friends li…
[quote]Originally posted by Moogs: No to war. Yes to getting our shit together [at the CIA and NSA], so we don't *need* all out war to solve these sorts of problems. Don't use a division when an unannounced (and unacknowledged) SEAL team could s…
[quote]Originally posted by thegelding: heck, i don't know...perhaps i should change my answer from no to yes...what the hell do i care, i don't live in baghdad and, at 41, i am too old to be enlisted....hell, war in iraq, war in korea, war in iran…
YES! I dont think you people really understand Sadaam Hussein. His only goal is to dominate the Middle East for his life similar to Hitlers goals {except the ethnic clensing}. I mean his nation could PROSPER if he gave a **** about his people …
I'm probably wrong but I thought WWDC was a developer conference like just software.