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  • There is lots of talk of hardware and software which IS the meat and potatoes of any Macworld, but what about I was just noticing that it is looking long in the tooth...and with new Panther 'tabs' and such...could use a total remake. A…
  • Quote: Originally posted by wanderlust Nope, sorry. At its present iteration, Apple's Font Book will not auto-activate fonts. If enough users squeak about it though, it may happen in the future. Thanks wanderlust. Hmmm that a bummer, but make…
  • I think the eMac deserves its place in the somewhat confusing grid of products. I'd like to see it slim down much like the original CRT iMac and the second revision of it did. The change was subtle, but impressive. I seem to remember a technology in…
  • Gobble Gobble, that made perfect sense. You stated my own situation much better that I did. I've come to the conclusion that this is one of those Apple quirks and will be left unpolished for now. Maybe things will change soon though.
  • I knew that adding a photo to an existing folder of images will add that to the current page. But lets say you have several categories or home pages. The names of the folders are non sensical as well as the name. Given that I have been creating many…
  • Thanks for the help. I remember doing this once before, and the playlist lost their links. I sure didn't want to mess up this time and go through relinking them! Talk about a time waister. Thanks!
  • Here's my experience... I'm in L.A. with Sprint PCS and a Sanyo phone. It does cut out occasionally when you are in the Hollywood Hills, but I'll agree with others in the forum all cell phones do. My roommate, who had a AT&T CDMA phone wou…
  • My Mom and Dad are in a similar situation as your aunt. After trying out the usual suspects...earthlink, aol...etc. I came across (formerly I signed them up a little over 3 years ago and have been impressed with the service…
  • Hey trumptman...the pace of change is fast alright. Thats why I think formal training may not be beneficial. It could be that real world experience and being at the right place and right time is the key. I will look further into certification a…
  • Thanks alcimedes. I agree with everything your saying. From a tough job market in general to the small apple market plus the fact they 'just work''s going to be tough. Your situation is similar to mine...after being in design shops for so lo…
  • Thanks MCQ. I have checked into Apple's certification programs. I am interested in pursuing them too. I want to make sure though that after spending a few thousand dollars...that they would prove beneficial. Anyone out there with experience in Ap…
  • I've tried cutting out all the possibilities. I have all unplugged too. It's just the iBook and little more than the software that came on it. It's really strange. After doing some reading...I'm afraid it may require a system reinstall. Something mu…