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  • Quote: Originally posted by dacloo Hmmmm I disagree with Steve Jobs :-). I always believed Apple was so unique because a mix of good hardware and software. Just look at the Powerbook design, and the fact the operating system only has to deal w…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Iksnoo This is the most bizarre day of my life. I have been using Macs and Apple machines since the very beginning. This link about performance says it all(and its lies) http://www.apple.com/powermac/performance/ …
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Wake the fuc up man The average user is going to be able to see that a P4 Powermac is $3000 while the Dell with better specs is $1999. The trick here is to get you all to pay a premium for the sa…
  • but for posterity, the iTunes music store updates with new music every tuesday. I guess it is for posterity also that Albums and Movies (DVDs) are released on Tuesdays too - or is that just to coincide with the iTunes update???!
  • Quote: Originally posted by concentricity well, thank you. while i don't think MS is completely clueless, I did say MS knows more than us, but marginally. and quite frankly, I'm AMAZED that so many, seemingly intelligent people in this thre…
  • Quote: Originally posted by emig647 Good luck clearing those quantities of G5's... if people have waited this long they are going to wait for the updates. Anyone who buys a g5 right now is out of their mind. I would assume power mac sales are way…
  • Quote: Originally posted by ebolazaire FYI: Smalldog electronics only has 30 powermac G4 in stock. The other 21 (of 27) SKUs are listed at 7-10 days... (Apple store still showing same day delivery though) AS clarification b4 I get creamed..…
  • FYI: Smalldog electronics only has 30 powermac G4 in stock. The other 21 (of 27) SKUs are listed at 7-10 days... (Apple store still showing same day delivery though)
  • WHERE IS LEMON BON BON???? Must have passed out somewhere from the news....
  • Quote: Originally posted by FalkoL Alright. WOW! WOW
  • Quote: Originally posted by Tomb of the Unknown Uhm, no. If Apple cuts their margins in half they will make half as much money. What you are thinking about is how to maximize revenue. That is, at what point does the price begin to reduce dema…
  • I believe that this would be in regard to the "970 on track" part of the title and to perhaps help dispell any remaining doubts about the imminent arrival... Interview with Tim Sweeney (Unreal Tournament) on www.firingsquad.com about porting the …
  • [quote]Originally posted by moki: Well, I meant two separate fairly surprising items... at least based on current conventional wisdom re: the PPC970's and Apple's new machines. Free?