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  • Quote: Originally posted by mdriftmeyer Playing multiple movies at fullscreen is not a basic piece of functionality. Yes, it really is. I'm pretty sure even Quicktime 1.0 from 15 years ago could open multiple movies at once. This is just a rea…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Morgoth I don't WANT to upgrade my system, I'm happy with OS 10.1.2 - it works fine. Yes you do, and no it doesn't. 10.1 is just barely usable. 10.3 is a huge leap forward in performance and functionality, and is ea…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Zapchud The value of upgradeability/expansion is variable to everyone, but for me, these options aren't worth, say $300, especially not when the tower is huge and has tons of unusable space. Right. With any single G…
  • Quote: Originally posted by PB Some of the recent games are multiprocessor aware. Not only that, but because of OS X's preemptive multitasking there are always other processes running besides the game you're playing. With a dual, a game can ge…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Reid Point being: perhaps video performance isn't the huge deal to most PC buyers that a few on this board would make it out to be. For most it's not, but for a substantial minority it is. Those buyers can easily fi…
  • Quote: Originally posted by iDave Don't get me wrong. I'm pleased to see the new iMacs just the way they are. Compared to what they replace, they're a great value. They should sell well. On that we agree. I can easily recommend the iMac3 to m…
  • Quote: Originally posted by iDave With regard to GPUs, you'll argue your points to the end of the earth so I don't know why I bother. Yeah, me too Quote: My opinion is that most (not all) consumers and small-business people for whom the i…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison The "picture" you all are trying to paint is of a card that simply cannot even play games from 2003 and that's not the truth. If you want to play Doom you need a kick ass card. The 5200fx Ultra will handle m…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison [B]That's tricky wordplay. Pricing has no bearing in offerings. I could purchase an Emachines computer and run a Viewsonic 9MP LCD for $6000 and claim the same. "My $6500 doesn't run Doom III well" And if…
  • Quote: I'm just guessing that Apple used the 5200 Ultra because they decided that it was more important to have the machine available at the newer lower pricing points than it was to include a faster graphic chipset. Maybe. But the 9600XT upgrad…
  • Quote: Originally posted by bsodmike Get a PC or Console if you're a serious gamer. Duh. Agreed. However, there are lots and lots of people who want to occasionally play games, but who are not "serious gamers". The 5200FX is potentially a dea…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Kickaha This is normal... stock price gets run up just prior to an Expo or other big event, then drops like a rock afterwards. Exactly. I usually believe the efficient market theory, but stuff like this makes me won…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Relic Can someone give me one example when Apple didn?t make a crippled, crappy spec?ed, barely modern consumer level computer? Sure: the original iMac. The only mildly disappointing spec was the Rage II video, but …
  • Quote: Originally posted by kim kap sol I actually agree with hmurchison...most people have financial management problems. If someone really wanted and cared for a good computer, they could shave a couple hundred dollars here and there to buy a …
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Do you have a child? Didn't think so. You're are inexperienced in this area and frankly don't know what you're talking about. After the birth of my son two years ago my tax returns went from $900 childless …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Kickaha Comparable hardware can be found for less. A comparable *system* can not Absolutely, but again you're just preaching to the choir. 95% of buyers don't understand the Mac experience. They see two machines wi…
  • Quote: Originally posted by kenaustus A few bucks for the fastest graphics option and for the hard drive and I'm happy. Assuming there is a fast graphics option. I don't recall Apple ever having iMac GPUs configurable on BTO.
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Not the point of view. Rather than take a holitic approach to viewing the situation the closet Mac Hater takes a passive agressive stance by failing to acknowledge the unique design of Apple products as a po…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Do less complaining about Apple's specs and more study on what the PC world is shipping. $1300 don't come with ATI 9800 cards. Again, they do come with AGP slots, so you can easily and cheaply upgrade. Th…
  • Quote: Originally posted by brianru Look around on bestbuy, almost every computer at the $1300 price range will have the built-in intel shit. With an AGP slot.