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  • Quote: Originally Posted by snoopy Just a thought: It's not a "plain old Macintosh," but the original iMac had something that the G4 and newer iMacs lack, a low price. The original was an entry level computer that attracted many. Now it is sold…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by snoopy I was suggesting an horizontal enclosure earlier, as a replacement for the Mac Mini eventually, or simply an additional model in the Apple product line. Sorry I missed that. Quote: Originally Posted by snoo…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by gregmightdothat I believe you've mistaken expansion slots for VisiCalc. Good point - the original killer app.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by snoopy I'd welcome any comments, but what I am especially interested in are the pros and cons of a vertically mounted optical drive. What percent of optical drives are capable of operating this way, and does it add to …
  • What's fun is to remember the Apple ][. One of the things that really drove its adoption was the presence of expansion slots (a whopping eight). There's a lot of popular demand for upgrading and improving computers. I suppose, however, it was t…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Hassan i Sabbah Hey LeoO... Well... yes, but the fastest growing mobile markets are Africa and India, and this is because they're throwing up super high capacity masts that reach rural areas where the phone companies…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by anantksundaram A great deal of the rest of the world is so far ahead on this stuff that it sucks..... Let's remember a few facts about why cell phone service in Western Europe and Japan is superior. Part of it is …
  • What I wish is that Corel and Lotus had gotten together and teamed up WordPerfect with 1-2-3 to form a merged suite with two "name brand" apps in it instead of two competing suites, each of which had to be carried by only one app.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Dog Almighty I got a netscape.net acount when I downloaded Netscape 7.01. As far as I know, there aren't any restrictions, and it's free. EDIT: Ah, nevermind. It's got a five meg limit, the bastards. Well, that'…
  • Quote: Originally posted by aquafire In the meantime I'm using Hotmail which is really totally crap. Actually, with the capability of setting your Inbox to exclude ALL email other than from addresses and domain names you know and trust, Hotmail …