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  • I've actually seen a prototype of the remote. It was years ago, and made by a different company, but Apple bought them and it sounds almost exactly the same. At the time Bluetooth wasn't out, so the remote had a base station that connected to oth…
  • The NeXTSTEP was called Quantrix. It's kinda dead, but not completely. The OSS project is FlexiSheet. It's very cool, but needs some serious work.…
  • I don't think you guys really understand what's going on with Keynote and Pages. It's very much like OS X in the 10.0 days. They wrote these programs from scratch because they're looking to the future. They know that they features are lacking now, b…
  • That's why there would be a choice. I for one would seriously consider not only signing up for a subscription service, but getting a larger iPod next time around to fill it up.
  • Quote: Originally posted by 1984 I'd rather they kept the width of the iPod where it's at but increase the width of the screen a bit. That way I could actually fit the full titles of my songs/albums without scrolling. The iPod could get a more …
  • Quote: Originally posted by synp ... and also many people underestimate the problems caused by threading. Multiple threads access the same data. Unlike event-driven programs that can rely on a single execution thread, multi-threaded programs ha…
  • Quote: Originally posted by The One to Rescue Of course : - The mobo design would be a little more tricky... Nothing impossible though, plus those designs would be more flexible than the current ones (laptops and desktops could share most of the…
  • I would love to see Apple release a rebranded IBM BladeCenter. Seeing how there's a lot of attention around G5 clusters, I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been a cluster built with the JS20's already. The chassis can hold 14 dual 2.2Ghz G5…
  • Quote: Originally posted by KidRed I ten to be the believer they changed their name to follow current slang, BK, MickyDee's, KFC, etc. Once McDonalds and Burger King went the way of the young consumer, KFC followed. Hell, even IHOP changed their …
  • Quote: Originally posted by onlooker Shared Memory Unit. I'm glad I did a search for this. But I have a hard time believing Apple is going to put fourth a 4-way crossbar SMP home PC at WWDC. I think whatever you guys are guessing at is a Shar…
  • Quote: Originally posted by tad44 Single-chip Multicore Unit? Simultaneous Multithreading Unit? I think SMU could stand for Stack Manager Unit, though almost every reference to this has something to do with picoJava, so maybe not.
  • Quote: Originally posted by BRussell Is it possible that the Power5-derivative could be dual core, making a dualie really a quad? 8) Probably not. The POWER5 has SMT, so we already know that an OS running on a dual POWER5 machine would see 4 …
  • I'm sure there will be rumors of the update when it's near because there will have to be some new mini HDs for a new mini iPod. I haven't seen or heard of any 8GB CF hard drives, so I don't think there's an update coming any time soon. I think…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Ensign Pulver OMF, my sincere apologies. OMF what? I can't stand it that people in this day and age don't know how to properly use their net acronyms.
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison Don't get me wrong PCIe is going to be nice but it will mirror the move from AGP 4x to 8x. The benchmarks will show only the smallest measurable increase. PCIe is a lot more than AGP16x. First it's 16x bo…
  • Quote: Originally posted by onlooker spankalee, I said apple stopped innovating because it's been a long time since they have pushed, or driven new technology the way they used to. I see PCIe as one of those driving factors that I do not believ…
  • Quote: Originally posted by REM#1 What do you think of my suggestion? Please be specific. I think there's need or reason for the eMac to get a G5 right now. It's had it update, and I would guess it's the last one till it does get a G5, b…
  • Quote: Originally posted by onlooker 1 for sound is enough for a gamer, but not a professional musician. A lot of rack systems have a PCI card that goes with the hardware. I think people in film, and TV would need some expandability as well. What…
  • Quote: Originally posted by JCG I think that there are some signs that point to the iMac getting a G5, but after the last few years of lacluster processor upgrades for the iMac line I would be more suprised in it happening than another minor sp…
  • Quote: Originally posted by xsmi Yes but that cheap tower must ahve the same internal design at least video slot, pci slots maybe less in number but same type for me to buy it. If you want the same internals as a PowerMac, and presumably you …