avon b7


avon b7
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  • A very false narrative: Microsoft Surface vs Apple iPad, Mac

    nht said:
    avon b7 said:
    nht said:
    avon b7 said:
    Yes. You will be labelled delusional but I agree with you. For all the people in the store, just count the amount that actually leave with something. It is a tiny percentage.
    You guys are called delusional because Apple stores rank number 1 in profit per square foot year after year.  You don't get that because only a tiny percentage of folks visiting the store buys anything and everyone there is only getting their stuff fixed.
    Must be because there are other ways to buy that don't require you to visit an Apple Store but a visit does let you to get a feel of the product.
    If the sales not made at their store it's not a retail sale and it doesn't count toward their profit per square foot metric.

    Must be because Apple stores sell a lot of product.
    No one doubts that. The point was that those sales only account for a fraction of people actually in a shop at any given time. Just count the people who leave empty handed or with the same product they entered with.
  • A very false narrative: Samsung Galaxy S8 vs Apple's iPhone

    djsherly said:
    kevin kee said:
    QJ said:
    kevin kee said:
    QJ said:
    minglok50 said:
    saltyzip said:
    ronn said:
    saltyzip said:

    The problem for the iPhone is not Samsung, like appleinsider seems to think, it is Android in general.

    That's been said so many times over the years and it still isn't true. Nokia. Motorola. Huawei. LG. Samsung. Google's Nexus line, and now its Pixel line. They were all supposed to take out Apple either alone or as a group. Apple is not only still around, but thriving, and looks extremely healthy for the foreseeable future.

    IMHO buying a phone has now just come down to personal preference, there isn't much difference between any of them these days, they all do the job asked of them pretty admirably. Like cars, I pick the one I like in my price range, they all get me from a to b and back again at the end of the day. The market has matured so fast I can't justify spending 1000s on a top tiered phone anymore. If more people start thinking like me, it will hurt Apple as they will no longer be able to justify their high prices, but it will be good for consumers. Apple aren't a tag heuer brand, where you have to pay through the nose for exclusivity.
    Sorry Saltyzip, but you are an Android apologist on an Apple based site. Samsung S8 phones are relatively the same price as the iPhone so do not use price point as an excuse for your bias.
    You do realize that MANY people run Mac PC's AND run Android phones right?? Why can't you be tolerant of someone that wants to use something different than you??
    You do realise people run Mac AND run Android phones are not THAT MANY, right? And even then, it's not by choice but some silly company policy, right? Given them a choice, they would rather go for Apple ecosystem then having a headache of multiple platforms and cloud services.

    I can do EVERYTHING on this laptop that I can do on my iPad mini, or my LG G5. 
    One word: iMessage.
    Don't all the cool kids use whatsapp these days?
    Yep. Or Telegram. iMessage is an option but being platform specific, very limited in use.
  • A very false narrative: Samsung Galaxy S8 vs Apple's iPhone

    subbies said:
    Most of the Anti- Apple people don't understand that the reason for the love for Apple products are because of the software and not the hardware. Anyone that thinks differently is stupid. 
    I hope you can see the funny side in:

    'Anyone that thinks differently is stupid'

  • A very false narrative: Samsung Galaxy S8 vs Apple's iPhone

    Rayz2016 said:
    So AI must be worried about Samsung and the S8 becoming popular otherwise no reason to write this piece.
    The reason for writing this piece is to harvest page clicks from both sides of the divide. Seems to have worked very well. 

    And  I have to admire DED's use of the facts to stir up the Android fans, who again have demonstrated that they're clearly not happy with their choice, hence the need to jump onto a website in their search for affirmation. 

    Isn't thai the other way around? The so called Android fans are replying to points they consider incorrect. If those points had never been presented the comments wouldn't exist.

    I haven't seen anyone barge in here and open a thread to praise Android or dump on Apple. They are replies (largely well mannered and fair btw) to threads that the site itself produces.

    It's some (by no means all) of the 'locals' that are on some kind of troll patrol that can't resist labelling people as this or that.

    No one mentioning Android in a fair way here is on a quest for affirmation. 
  • A very false narrative: Samsung Galaxy S8 vs Apple's iPhone

    Rayz2016 said:
    So AI must be worried about Samsung and the S8 becoming popular otherwise no reason to write this piece.
    The reason for writing this piece is to harvest page clicks from both sides of the divide. Seems to have worked very well. 

    And  I have to admire DED's use of the facts to stir up the Android fans, who again have demonstrated that they're clearly not happy with their choice, hence the need to jump onto a website in their search for affirmation. 

    When you say the facts, should I interpret that as some specific facts or should it have been with the definite article, to mean facts in general? Because the difference between the two is huge.