avon b7


avon b7
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  • A very false narrative: Samsung Galaxy S8 vs Apple's iPhone

    minglok50 said:
    saltyzip said:
    As long as the faithful stay with an iPhone then Apple has many more profitable years ahead.

    The problem for the iPhone is not Samsung, like appleinsider seems to think, it is Android in general.

    Google, LG, Motorola, Huawei all make great phones and most eclipse iPhone on the camera too. Look at the verge website for their latest camera shootout and you'll see iPhone doesn't even make the podium.

    Apple phone inovation has plateaued​, technical advancement takes a long time, and because they are running out of features to entice people to upgrade they are now falling behind what was the chasing pack.

    As long as the Apple faithful continue buying iPhones, then nothing will change, but don't expect to get best bang for your buck.
    You are citing `the Verge as a credible balanced site...
    You are posting in thread hanging off a DED article. Balance is not something that springs to mind.
  • Samsung, LG concerned by Apple's plans to replace OLED with micro-LED in 2017 Apple Watch ...

    avon b7 said:
    Soli said:
     I would like to see Samsung churn out new technologies when they will not have anything to copy from Apple as Apple won't be sourcing anything from them in the future!

    Like the below, right?

    1. Super Amoled display in Samsung Galaxy Nexus in 2011, copied from iphone 8/X in 2017

    2. Large screen display in Samsung Galaxy Note in Jan-2012, copied from iphone 6 in 2015

    3. Stylus support in Samsung Galaxy Note in Jan-2012, copied from iPad Pro in 2015

    4. Split screen multitasking in Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition (released in Nov-2013), copied from iOS 9 in 2015

    5. Waterproofing in Samsung Galaxy S5 in Mar-2014, copied from iphone 7 in Sep-2016 (instead of Sony Xperia Z from Jan-2013)

    6. UFS internal storage in Samsung Galaxy S6 in Jan-2015, copied from iphone 6S in Sep-2015

    7. Dual Pixel camera sensor in Samsung Galaxy S7, copied from yet to be released iphone

    8. UFS card slot in Samsung Galaxy S8, copied from yet to be released iphone

    1) So AMOLED is an innovation for CE that only Samsung can use otherwise it's copying? Does that mean using LCD or even a keyboard on a notebook means Samsung is copying Apple because Apple used it long before Samsung was making laptops? Of course you wouldn't think that so stop making stupid comments.

    2) Now a larger display is a Samsung invention? Do you not realize how stupid that sounds?

    3) If you're going to say that the iPad copied a smartphone then you have to go back to point two and say that the 2010 iPad came before he 2012 Note so that means that Samsung copied Apple's iPad on the Note. Again, you wouldn't say that either, because it sounds stupid.

    4) You really have no concept of what adding a feature is v stealing IP is, do you?

    5) Ah, the Galaxy S5 that had a door over the USB port when you wanted it to be waterproof and even then it failed miserably with many tests. Even now, Apple user promises and overdelivers with their waterproofing claims, and that's comparing to new Samsung devices.

    6) The last three too ridiculous to even consider trying to respond, but I hope that one day you understand the difference between saying you have a feature so you can put it on a spec sheet and actually taking the time to engineer HW and SW to make an excellent experience for the user. For rational people who care about technology, that makes all the difference.
    Samsung has brought far more to the consumer and professional markets than Apple ever will simply because Samsung is a sprawling conglomerate that makes untold kinds of devices. Technology from some devices will logically seep into others.
    I know you're a knockoff apologist who's purpose here is to criticize apple, but this is pure nonsense. Apple has been delivering to the CE space for 40 years, and their contributions have been far more impactful than Samsung. troll harder. 
    I'm sure you couldn't write that with a straight face. And if you really believe what you are saying, you really need to think things through a bit harder.
  • Samsung, LG concerned by Apple's plans to replace OLED with micro-LED in 2017 Apple Watch ...

    Soli said:
     I would like to see Samsung churn out new technologies when they will not have anything to copy from Apple as Apple won't be sourcing anything from them in the future!

    Like the below, right?

    1. Super Amoled display in Samsung Galaxy Nexus in 2011, copied from iphone 8/X in 2017

    2. Large screen display in Samsung Galaxy Note in Jan-2012, copied from iphone 6 in 2015

    3. Stylus support in Samsung Galaxy Note in Jan-2012, copied from iPad Pro in 2015

    4. Split screen multitasking in Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition (released in Nov-2013), copied from iOS 9 in 2015

    5. Waterproofing in Samsung Galaxy S5 in Mar-2014, copied from iphone 7 in Sep-2016 (instead of Sony Xperia Z from Jan-2013)

    6. UFS internal storage in Samsung Galaxy S6 in Jan-2015, copied from iphone 6S in Sep-2015

    7. Dual Pixel camera sensor in Samsung Galaxy S7, copied from yet to be released iphone

    8. UFS card slot in Samsung Galaxy S8, copied from yet to be released iphone

    1) So AMOLED is an innovation for CE that only Samsung can use otherwise it's copying? Does that mean using LCD or even a keyboard on a notebook means Samsung is copying Apple because Apple used it long before Samsung was making laptops? Of course you wouldn't think that so stop making stupid comments.

    2) Now a larger display is a Samsung invention? Do you not realize how stupid that sounds?

    3) If you're going to say that the iPad copied a smartphone then you have to go back to point two and say that the 2010 iPad came before he 2012 Note so that means that Samsung copied Apple's iPad on the Note. Again, you wouldn't say that either, because it sounds stupid.

    4) You really have no concept of what adding a feature is v stealing IP is, do you?

    5) Ah, the Galaxy S5 that had a door over the USB port when you wanted it to be waterproof and even then it failed miserably with many tests. Even now, Apple user promises and overdelivers with their waterproofing claims, and that's comparing to new Samsung devices.

    6) The last three too ridiculous to even consider trying to respond, but I hope that one day you understand the difference between saying you have a feature so you can put it on a spec sheet and actually taking the time to engineer HW and SW to make an excellent experience for the user. For rational people who care about technology, that makes all the difference.
    His comment was fine in the context of the post he was referring to.

    There are far too many people that just repeat 'Samsung copied' this or that 'from Apple' without even the slightest care for reality.

    When reality is pointed out, those same people simply change track and throw the 'but Aple fully bakes its products before release' line which is as  equally untrue as the original claim.

    The true reality, minus distortion field, is that this is a pendulum that swings both ways and if you only look at it when it's in one direction you are on shaky ground if you start making copycat claims you will likely get shot down.

    Samsung has brought far more to the consumer and professional markets than Apple ever will simply because Samsung is a sprawling conglomerate that makes untold kinds of devices. Technology from some devices will logically seep into others.

    At some point there will be greater  (and more secure) convergence of those devices and it will no doubt be another new selling point for them. The same applies to LG. It's one of their strong points. All Apple can do if it doesn't want to make microwave ovens, 3D glasses, TVs, washing machines, components or whatever, is provide platforms (Apple Pay, the various xxxkits, etc) and hope people build for them and/or they are allowed into the other 'gardens' when competing platforms take hold.

    While they have their own multi million user base and cash in the bank, the short term looks rosy. I don't know what lies beyond the next major iPhone update but I do know that if someone does AI right, it will be difficult to compete with if they have a complete platform to integrate with.

    But to say Samsung just copies is woefully short sighted.

  • Dutch judge rules Apple can't swap refurbished iPads for broken ones

    jbdragon said:
    You know when you drive a new car off the lot, the value just drops. It's no longer NEW. Anything you buy, once you walk out the store, open it up and start using, it's no longer NEW. It's now a used product. You used that new iPad for 4 months, it turned into a used iPad 4 months ago. Getting a used Replacement that looks new and was tested to work perfectly is a good device. Maybe even better tested then the ones coming off the factory assembly line. I really don't see what the issue here is. Replacing your broken for whatever reason iOS device for NEW seems crazy, especially if it's spelled out in the warranty. If you don't like the terms, don't buy it and then bitch later.
    You seem to be unaware of how basic,  modern consumer laws work. In the EU, any failure within six months of use is automatically attributed to a factory defective part.

    It is not a question of whether something is new or not, or any devaluation in the product's monetary value.

    That is, the product shipped with the defect but it only manifested itself at a later date. It is also a reason why I consider reconditioned parts that pass a test to be inadequate.

    There is more to it than that of course. You cannot take a hammer to a device and then claim a warranty repair. But the general idea is that any new device that fails before six months is because of a factory defect.
  • Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 to feature dual camera array ala iPhone 7 Plus

    Soli said:
    avon b7 said:
    Does it even matter who was first? 
    Apparently to certain posters and certain companies it's really important.

    I'm beginning to think some people just can't accept that Apple might not be first or best with something. 

    Most people here understand that Apple is rarely first to market, and yet it's the same "…bu-bu-but Apple wasn't first" comments when Apple does something better than the competition.

    The issue is that most people here don't realize that Apple wasn't first. Then if someone else comes up with a feature they immediately think that Apple is being copied.
    You can't be harsh on the competitors for introducing a feature that Apple copied themselves.
    You can because typically the "first!" implementation sucks, the Apple implementation gets it right, and then the knockoffs copy Apple's implementation. 

    Remember, ideas are the easy part. Talent isn't having a great idea ("fingerprint biometrics"), talent is building the idea in a value-adding way (TouchID). Apple often performs the heavy lifting here and shines the light on the proper way to do a thing. See iPhone. iPad. iPod. MacBooks. Macintosh. etc...

    Google had great maps. Few complaints. Developed over time.

    Apple bought some mapping companies, kludged things together, released it as a star feature and it was a disaster of perhaps unprecedented proportions. No! Wait! There was Mobile Me before that. Another, this time, home brewed disaster. ;-)
