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  • EU says smarthome 'gatekeepers' like Apple may harm competition

    maestro64 said:
    Not like the EU is filled with the best and brightest. This coming from a group of people who never made a thing in this world other than what ends up on the toilet.

    The EU is a bigger market, with more consumers, better quality of life, longer life expectancy, less inequality, less child poverty, less gun violence, better education and more manufacturing.

    The EU itself is the most consumer friendly regulator in the world, be it data protection, food quality or consumer rights. It is also the biggest financer of science and research in the world, which explains why Google, Apple and others have big research operations for AI, chip design and algorithms in Europe. 

    Fun fact: if you take the top 2% of incomes and wealth out of the equation, the US is on the same level of income for the bottom 98% as the EU.

    The US have more billionaires, while Europeans are happier, healthier and better educated.

    DAalsethavon b7baconstangmuthuk_vanalingamKha0ss
  • EU says smarthome 'gatekeepers' like Apple may harm competition

    j2fusion said:
    Even Craftsman (Sears) and Craftsman (Black & Decker) use a different battery. It’s an example where there is not one manufacturer that is dominant enough to set a standard. The fact that Apple/Google/Amazon can is good for the consumer. 

    Imagine there were only 2 battery manufacturers in the world. They also produce a number of power tools.
    What if their batteries would only provide their full power and capacity if used with their own tools.
    And BTW, both Bosch and Metabo have now opened their battery tech to other vendors… a Metabo CAS battery also powers Fein, Maffell, Starmix and other super specialized ProTools. That’s what we need!!!

  • EU says smarthome 'gatekeepers' like Apple may harm competition

    Bla bla. This is about the EU.

    You might be fine in the US that the top 20 billionaires pay less than 4% in taxes, but citizens in other parts of the world want their governments to run fairer societies.

    That includes billionaires paying the same or more taxes than the average Joe and large global corporations paying the same or more taxes than a small brick and mortar business that is the backbone of the local community.

    And the same concept appies to “rigged” markets, unfair market entry barriers and breaches of data protection laws.

    Ayn Rand, Adam Smith and Milton Friedman are long dead and the level of inequality their theories have created in the US simply displays that they are basically wrong. 

    I want a competitive landscape like in the car industry, where a dozen players bring innovation, choice and meaningful employment opportunities, not a Google/Apple duopoly for any kind of consumer tech, where you can’t choose a 3rd party product without sacrifices in usability and features.

    Enough said. I am out of here, while applauding the EU for taking the lead here again!
    muthuk_vanalingamavon b7Kha0ss
  • EU says smarthome 'gatekeepers' like Apple may harm competition

    Well, Amazon peventing 3rd parties like Sonos from integrating with Drop-In and Voicecalls is a clear anti-competitive behaviour.
    And the requirement to have an AppleTV or Homepod in the house in order to use Siri on non-Apple devices (as pointed out in the keynote) is also questionable.
    I think government has a role as a referee in these situations and it is hard to deny that the power of a handful of companies on our daily lives is bigger than ever before in history.
    They need to be regulated and - above all - taxed in a way that levels the playing field compared to smaller companies and benefits society in the long term…
    elijahggatorguyavon b7Japhey
  • Volkswagen says it's not in talks with Apple or Google about new 'digital mobility' businesses

    sixcolors said:
    VW are a bunch of liars and cheats. I hope they go out of business
    Apart from wishing 400.000+ hard working employees the sack because of a few rogue managers in engine development decided to trick their way to their annual bonus, your choice of cars (& bikes, trucks, buses) would be pretty diminished: VW, Audi, Porsche, Skoda, SEAT, Lamborghini, Bentley, Bugatti, Ducati, MAN, Scania All VW, not all cheats and quite some interesting brands for Apple to be associated with.