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  • iPhone camera and iOS 14 at crux of Facebook & Instagram spying lawsuit

    iMacabre said:
    Isn't this the kind of thing that Apple is checking for during the review process?
    It's a review process, not a test process.  If the user gave the app access to the camera, a review process that is likely highly automated and can't take very long, given the millions of apps to review, isn't going to catch an app occasionally using the camera when it shouldn't.  Especially when "when it shouldn't" is not exactly easy to determine when the user gave the app permission to access it, overall.
  • Apple TV+ review: Ewan McGregor goes electric in engaging 'Long Way Up'

    The frist series, "Long Way Round" was epic.  Lots of 'adventure' (well, as much as you can have with a film crew and support vehicles, I suppose).  Long Way Down was kinda ho-hum.  I'm looking forward to seeing what this one brings.
  • Apple ordered to pay PanOptis $506.2M for infringing LTE patents

    wizard69 said:
    Apple gets caught again stealing somebody else IP and then cries about it.    Sorry but PanOptis owns those patents for the same reason Apple owns patents, that is to make money.   Frankly this is just another example of why I'm really beginning to believe that Apple needs to go to hell for awhile.   I like a lot of stuff Apple makes but they are digging a big whole due to their lack of ethics.   Frankly they should have left China years ago once it was realized that China has practices as hideous as the Nazi's.  I've lost a lot of faith in Apple of late.
    And you know these patents well enough to know that they are valid?  Probably not.  And judging by the number of jury judgements coming out of East Texas which later get overturned, neither do the juries there.  Yes, Apple has been found guilty on appeal sometimes, so they're not always innocent, but your blanket statement is pretty off-base too.

    Your comment about Apple leaving China: put your wallet where your mouth is - boycott every manufacturer that does business in China.  They'll find you naked and starved to death in your apartment :-)  Apple goes way beyond what other companies do in at least requiring better work conditions for its workers.
  • 'AirPods Pro Lite' production to start in late Q1, Early Q2

    I don't see a market for a "Lite" pro version.  What could they remove from the current AirPod Pro that doesn't simply make them AirPods?  ANC plus some passive noise cancellation due to their in-ear position are basically the only things that make them unique from the originals (well, there's that they're even uglier than the original).

    I never had trouble with the original AirPods, but AirPod Pros keep falling out of my ears.  Finally found a company that sold 3rd-party tips and they addressed the falling-out symptom.  But the material used (memory foam) is also more uncomfortable than the silicone tips the Pros come with.  I'd love to see ANC for the original AirPods.  Maybe they won't cancel noise as well, but at least they weren't so chubby that their weight carried them out of the ear.
  • All the best cases and covers for the AirPods Pro

    I wish there was an article on third-party tips instead of cases - but I guess there aren't that many choices yet.  I just got some from Amazon:
    but they're the only ones I've been able to find so far (btw, they do the trick of keeping my AirPod Pros from falling out of my ear all the time - but they're not that comfortable for long periods).

    Back to cases: I don't see the analogy to iPhones.  Sure, you can make an iPhone more "you" by slipping on a case.  That works because you (and others) see your phone all the time.  The AirPod case spends virtually all of its time in a pocket or purse, so what's the point of dressing it up?  For the same reason, why would you need to protect it from falls as you would your phone?  Lastly, and for me most importantly, adding a case on an AirPod Pro case makes it even more chunky than it already is.  My old AirPod case fit easily in that little jeans pocket-within-pocket.  The Pros case is a bit of a squeeze.  It would be impossible to get it into this natural storage location if you wrap the case in another case.