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  • How to make stereo HomePods louder when paired with Apple TV 4K

    Uh, what is the “Convert Format” this article talks about???  When I go to “Surround”, I only get the options “Best Quality Available”, “Dolby Digital 5.1” and “Stereo”.  I have tvOS 11.4.

    And I have exactly the setup - and problem - described:  when I play music directly to my two HPs, it’s perfectly acceptable at normal volume.  When I use the HPs for audio from an ATV 4k, I have to up the volume to 80-90% to get decent volume on Netflix, DirectTV Now, Amazon Prime.
  • New Apple AirPods with smaller components could launch in late 2018

    LukeCage said:

    He expects supply to improve heading into 2018, allowing AirPods shipments to grow 100 percent year over year to 28 million units. In a previous research note, Kuo declared AirPods "the most important accessory in Apple's wireless ecosystem."

    I would like to know how much the Beats branded wireless headphones are selling. If this 28 million units figure is even remotely accurate, the Beats purchase was a very smart bye. 
    What have you read to suggest that AirPods were designed by Beats engineers?  Aside from the fact that Apple's been building headphones for 10 years, most of the 'magic' of the AirPods actually happens in areas that have nothing to do with Beats' core expertise: Bluetooth, chip design (W1), and integration with the iOS/watchOS.

  • Apple Music's Jimmy Iovine says services like Spotify & Pandora can't be profitable

    darkpaw said:
    "Apple Music is effectively a "halo" project, used as much to keep people buying iPhones as generate new revenue."

    Who buys an iPhone because of Apple Music?

    Off-topic: Apple Music ballsed-up my iTunes library. My carefully-curated, fully-ID3-tagged library started since the first version of iTunes was mangled so much I had to wipe it and start again. Thanks for that, Apple.
    Obviously nobody buys an iPhone *solely* because of Apple Music, but lots of people buy iPhones at least partially because of the additional Apple services - including Apple Music.

    Off-topic: I don't use Apple Music, but I love Music Match!  For $25/year, I got a high quality version (ie. Apple's version) of my 300 CD collection I ripped (at low quality) a long time ago.  After I signed up, I subsequently deleted my local library (backed it up of course), and Apple rebuilt it with the high-quality version :-).  I could stop the service and end up with a much better library :-)  But I have kept it - because it lets me keep stuff in the cloud without using up my storage allocation.
    king editor the grateracerhomiejbdragonNameo_kiltedgreenrandominternetpersonjony0watto_cobra
  • Watch: Everything you need to know about Apple TV 4K

    I have a couple 3rd gen Apple TVs.  What I really want to know is whether Amazon’s video app is available on Apple TV (4th gen or 4k) yet?  Using AirPlay to stream that content is getting pretty old at this stage.  There was a news blurb earlier this year stating that it would come to Apple TV this summer.

    4K and HDR is all nice and good - but if Apple TV can’t support what’s arguably the second biggest streaming service, it’s increasingly hard to justify that $170 price tag.
  • Apple's glass-backed 'iPhone 7s' rumored to be slightly bigger in all dimensions, except f...

    I think Apple is just making the iPhone 7s fatter so the 8 won't look so chunky (and more 'premium') next to it :-)