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  • Apple defends decision to ditch 3.5mm jack, says AirPods development began years ago

    sflocal said:
    I fully support Apple in this.  Like the floppy, legacy ports, CD drives, etc.. Apple laid the path down - with the whiners kicking, screaming, and whining - then "suddenly" everyone else did it to... and not a peep from those f**kers.  

    The analog jack, and the DAC circuitry that goes with it is obsolete.  Time to move on.  I can count the number of times I've used a wired headphone this year on one hand.  Screw the haters.  

    Just wait... watch the rest of the industry follow along and try to look the other way when they do it.
    How are they obsolete? What does wireless do for delivering an audio channel into each ear at optimal quality that wired can't?  

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume your headphones aren't the best quality out there. The only time I use wireless is when I work out. There's a reason professionals still use wired.  

    Also, people are already sick of charging too many devices and this is just one more. Along with that comes the reality that lithium ion batteries don't last forever and, if history is any indication, Apple's options won't have user-replaceable batteries. I have an awesome set of cans in my studio that are over 20 years old and have needed zero maintenance except for replacing worn out pads.  

    Worse yet, it passes the buck on DAC. iPhones have always been capable of passing a pure digital signal via USB to an external audio interface for conversion to analog. This must happen at some point because we hear in analog, so don't fall for the "it's better because it's 'digital'" line. This new change simply means compatible headphones will cost extra because of the necessary onboard converters and the iPhone loses one more feature. The only thing that would make this slightly redeemable is if the iPhone still handles conversion when using the dongle and Lightning has the ability to pass an analog audio signal directly from the phone.
  • Apple defends decision to ditch 3.5mm jack, says AirPods development began years ago

    Wow. Complete apples vs. oranges. All those old technologies he described where limited digital standards that were replaced by faster, more functional successors. Removing an audio jack isn't progress.  

    AirPods have 24 hours listening time? Cool. All my headphones have infinite listening time and sound 100x better. Airpods are essentially $30 sound quality (and that's pushing it) being sold for $165: a 550% markup! And that's for less listening time and potentially inferior audio quality due to the nature of wireless vs wired analog!  

    And then there's the dongle... really? DAC on that? I'll reserve judgement until it's out, but I don't have high hopes. Still, the real issue is that it's way more of a pain to keep track of that ugly thing than a microscopic thickness bump on the phone would have been. That, and the fact that you need a freaking dongle to use the best headphones and audio systems in the world because...  

    The audio world isn't going to switch to wireless. Sorry, but I don't see audio engineers and recording artists retooling their systems from the analog standard when wireless offers zero benefits. I certainly won't trade my AKG 701s in for some shitty Beats. As for everyone else, this still won't plug into anything anyone owns. Here's a scenario: show up to a house party... "Sup everyone? I brought the music. Oh wait..."  

    Wireless stereo will supplant wired stereo the same way Firewire supplanted USB :-p