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  • Apple earned $90.15B in fourth quarter of 2022

    Apple did NOT earn $90.15B in fourth quarter of 2022.  That is their total revenue.  They earned $20.72B, for a profit margin of 22.99%.
    If you have a business and you go out on a sales call to a prospect and you convince that prospect to become a customer, then you have earned that prospect's business.  There's more than one context in which the term earned can be used.  

    Apple earned $90.15B in revenue in the fourth quarter of 2022, resulting in $20.72B of profits.  Both are true.  
  • Apple Watch Ultra is impressive, but can't replace my dive watch just yet

    DAalseth said:
    The AW is a great general tool but a dedicated tool will always work better. A Swiss Army Knife is great, but an actual screwdriver is better. A multi-tool is useful, but if I need to disassemble a piece of machinery, I’ll use dedicated wrenches. The AWU does these diving functions well, but if I were a serious, diver I’d use an actual diving watch too. Similarly the Satellite SOS function is great and will save lives. But if I were doing a serious expedition into a very isolated location, I’d take an actual sat phone, and maybe an emergency locator beacon just in case. 
    Not sure the argument for dedicated tool versus general tool always stands.  

    Take Apple Watch versus mechanical chronographs.  

    Or iPhone versus a dedicated alarm clock, or any of dozens of other pre-smartphone stand-alone products that smartphones complete obsoleted.  

    A Ring doorbell, which not only allows someone to, you know, ring the doorbell, but also allows you to see who is at the door from wherever you are on earth.  Plus record that in case you aren't looking in on it in real time.  Win for the more general purpose combination of smartphone and home security doorbell.  A dedicated doorbell would be, after all, dedicated solely to the task of providing a button to push to sound a buzzer inside the home. 

    There's too many examples for me to list where a smartphone or smartwatch go against the once accurate wisdom that a a dedicated tool will always work better.  
  • Facebook is fine when punishing others financially, but cries when others do it to them

    jcs2305 said:
    JP234 said:
    Skeptical said:
    God I hate Facebook and Zuckerbag. Not really a big fan of Apple either. Neither are your friends but Apple is the devil you know. 
    Comparing a company that makes something (the best products and services in the world), with a company that derives 100% of its revenue from mining customers' data to sell to advertisers is a questionable conflation.
    Two large companies that care nothing about you unless they are making money from you, as either the customer or the product? I think it's a perfectly reasonable comparison.

    We need to stop defending Apple as if they are our friends..they aren't. We enjoy their products and the service they offer as part of being a customer, additionally if you are a stock holder you enjoy the dividends as well B) .. that's it.

    Apple’s gear is more compute efficient than the competition.  That means it uses less energy to accomplish the same tasks, and that reduces our dependence on fossil fuels.  Apple directly reduces its own dependence on fossil fuels through its internal use of solar and its push to make its suppliers more energy efficient. 

    Apple does similar work on reducing environmental damage from its operations and those of its suppliers.  

    Apple also produces a hardware/software stack that lives longer in our hands than the competition.  iPhones regularly are passed along two or three times after the initial user has decided to trade up, providing six or more years of useful life; significantly longer than much of its competition. 

    Apple stands up for social issues, funding and directing its technologies toward STEM education for underprivileged and underserved populations.  The company and its management donate to causes and ask their employees to do so as well.  

    I could go on…
  • Apple reports record-breaking $83B in revenue in supply impacted Q3 2022

    iPad and Mac significantly supply constrained.  That aspect of the business is only going to improve going forward. The future of Apple, as usual, remains bright. 
  • Vietnamese Prime Minister met with Tim Cook at Apple Park

    The Vietnamese people are industrious, level-headed and very capitalistic, even if the government remains unitary and socialist.  By and large property owners and businesses are allowed to operate in a free market with decent protection of property rights, at least from what I observed in the six months I lived there in 2019.  I was also impressed by the country’s infrastructure development.  Overall a decent place for Apple to diversify its supply chain and  manufacturing base in the region. 