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  • Apple rumored to have restarted iPhone X production, but motive not clear

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    I can only speak about pricing from my own perspective and state that I backed off from a new XR purely on that point.

    If it had topped out at 749€ I would have got one. The problem is that tha final retail price is touching 900€ after sales tax here.

    It wouldn't surprise me if Europeans have reacted in the same way as me.

    In terms of value I feel the XR is lacking but 749€ would have got the sale nevertheless for other reasons. At current end-pricing it is a no go.
    €859 incl. €151 tax. 859 - 151 = €708. 708 EUR in USD = 807.67. The difference from the US store is only $50. Now take this $50 and please shut up.
    We are speculating on the possible reasons for a possible slackening of XR sales. I gave one. Now, please tell me - and everyone in Europe - how to avoid that tax because if you you can do that it might be a solution to that possible issue. 

    People in Europe look at pricing based on product price plus sales tax. Regular consumers never ever, let me bold that, never ever view pricing without including the sales tax. 

    There is no point claiming that the base price is less (after currency considerations) if the final retail price for the consumer is still high enough to dissuade a purchase, which is exactly my case and which I made very clear.
    Is there any life without tax? Tax is everywhere, only the modality to display it differs. In Europe the VAT is included in the price, which is what I experience in my every shopping, but I don't complain because it is not Apple's duty to pay my tax. If the customer is dissuaded because of the tax included in the price then let him go, what can Apple or any other company do about that? Yet Apple displays the tax separately, if the customer is still dissuaded then there is nothing to do.

    If the point is to speculate on the possible reasons for a possible slackening of XR sales in Europe, that may be just because of longer refresh cycles and the aged population of Europe. Yet the XR is just released and we are not at the peak of the shopping season, it is too early to come to such conclusions or to jump on rumors as if it is the end of the world.
    Let me point out two things from my first post:

    1. I can only speak about pricing from my own perspective.

    2. It wouldn't surprise me if Europeans have reacted in the same way as me.

    No one is asking Apple to pay the tax.
    Incredible.  Your point #1 argues you’re speaking only from your own perspective, yet you than say “No one is asking Apple to pay the tax.”   That sounds like you’re speaking for everyone.  
  • New iPad Pro ad hammers home Apple's ongoing laptop replacement theme

    iPad has always been about how the tools we use for doing work change according to the work we need to do, and that in turn changes the work we do, to take advantage of the tools available.  

    In 1960, it took a roomful of people with mechanical calculators on their desks to do the work that later generations could easily perform with a spreadsheet.  But when spreadsheets and other business applications came along, the work they made possible was wholly different from the problem they were initially designed to solve.

    iPads, and specifically the iPad Pro, is not designed to do the same work that a PC traditionally did.  Those who are suggesting the iPad Pro is a poor replacement for a PC are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.  The tablet form factor has its own destiny, which will take on many, but not all the tasks of a PC, while enabling new forms of work and productivity that PCs are less adapted to accommodate.

    chiaking editor the grateracerhomie3macpluspluscroprdewmeStrangeDaysbrucemcelijahgwatto_cobra
  • Apple's iPhone beat Huawei, Xiaomi on China's 11/11 record-breaking Singles Day

    tzm41 said:
    Wow Apple fanboys are indeed living in the center of the universe! Sure, Apple may have "won" this sales event.

    But "everyone wants iPhone, no one wants Android, but they are too poor to afford iPhone so they are forced to accept Android phones"? I mean, you can believe whatever you want living in your own bubble.
    Where exactlly do you live?  Do you know the names of the different high-end Apple Authorized resellers in The Philippines?  Are you out and about in countries around the world observing and getting feedback from people regarding iPhone desirability?  I jumped on a ferry two weeks ago to take my bike to another island.  The four seats in front of me were occupied with four Filipinas, three of whom were using iPhones to take selfies.  They were older model iPhones, and the fourth Filipina had a large screen mid-tier Samsung (J-series).  Apparently, in that group, three out of four preferred the more expensive (even used prices) smaller screen iPhones (that cant be financed here) versus a new Samsung which can be financed.  I’ve been kicking around the Philippines for two years, constantly checking traffic in the Apple Authorized resellers, talking to many locals who remark on my iPhone or Apple Watch.  There is much iPhone love here, and it extends to iPads and MacBooks among the call center workers and others who can afford more than just a smartphone.  So my bubble suggests there is demand even in contexts where there are relatively few who can afford iPhones.  
  • Apple $7B behind in royalty payments to Qualcomm

    That’s a lot of royalties, and suggests that Apple had been paying a lot back when they actually were putting Qualcomm modems in all new models.  Unless Qualcomm is attempting to charge even for intel-equipped iPhones.   $7 billion, no matter how you cut it, shows how pricing based on the total cost of the phone is a bit heavy handed.  
  • Bloomberg's iCloud spy chip attack allegations technically impossible

    "That couldn't ever happen" with our system is the claim of pretty much every security system -- until it happens.  It wasn't long ago that science "proved" the "the Negro" was not human and man could not ever fly.

    It will be interesting to see if they are able to bury this embarrassing story.  It's possible since, in these times, truth seems to be whatever one wants it to be or what serves one's purpose the best.
    Again with more of this claptrap nonsense?  Nothing will convince you because you have the mind of a conspiracist.  You should read up on what that implies about you more than what it implies about the world you live in. 