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  • Intel splitting manufacturing group into three parts after repeated 10nm delays

    kimberly said:
    JWSC said:
    rob53 said:
    Why would Qualcomm say Apple gave secrets to Intel when all intel had to do was talk to the old Qualcomm person they hired in 2015?
    As conditions of employment, many employers ask new hires to sign documents related to proprietary data, such as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).  Even if you never signed an NDA you could still be sued for breach of trust.  Some companies handle this differently by requiring departing employees to not work for a direct competitor for several years, on the threat that the company could sue them.  The threat alone is enough to deter most people who are moving to new companies.
    Wow (see bold above) ... in Australia, engaging in that caper is called restraint of trade and is illegal (an NDA would be binding though).
    I signed such a document, called a non-compete in the US.  As Vp of Product Development and designer of my company’s software apps you can imagine my company not wanting me to jump to a competitor.  The non-compete term was 18 months post employment.  But no worries as I was all done with the software game when I left in 2011, preferring to become a full-time investor since.  
  • NSA cybersecurity head can't find corroboration for iCloud spy chip report

    Journalism seems to be going through its own bubble, like the dotcom era prior to April 2000 or the housing market euphoria prior to October 2008.  Everyone is making as much hay as they seem to be allowed, it’s a free-for-all, with some rational agents calling out the chaos but impotent to stop it.  It will be just as ugly in the end this time as it was for the  financial world those past two times.  Only in those instances it was a mere shuffling of money from some pockets to others, with a loss of trust and innocence in our financial institutions and our ability to direct the economy.  This time will be a loss to all of society, of our integrity and morals.  Like the financial crises, this one too will imprint itself on a new generation, and the world may not soon revert to the one we all once thought we knew.  
  • Apple to reveal Q4 2018 earnings on Nov. 1

    carnegie said:
    joe28753 said:
    Q4 results and not Q3? Is Apple’s fiscal calendar not Jan to Dec? 
    It’s roughly October through September. The actual dates vary from year to year because Apple’s quarters are 13 weeks rather than 3 months long, with a 14 week long quarter thrown in every now and then.
    To be more precise about the definition, Apple’s quarters end on the last Saturday of each calendar quarter.  
  • Rematch: iPhone XS versus Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for 'Fortnite' gaming

    lkrupp said:
    melgross said:
    melgross said:
    And this is why a new device, of the same size, needs to be compared to a new device.
    "Need" is a strong word. This is not a laboratory experiment; it's comparing popular consumer devices, which is always fun even were I to grab my Mapple devices from various generations and put them through their paces. The articles note the differences in hardware and release date, so it's not disingenuous to compare them.
    Need is correct. What’s the point of comparing a new device that just became available to a device that will be discontinued in few weeks? Precisely since these two devices aren’t comparable in size? It’s disingenuous because many people don’t get the distinction. They’ll read that, and then forget it, only remembering which device was “best”. 
    The “mine is better than yours” mentality is what drives comparisons. And of course no matter what the conclusion is it will be challenged by the “losing” side. I don't even see the fun in such comparisons because of the negativity and motivation to claim victory over some one or some thing. And techies the worst offenders of all, many times more strident than the gear-heads, the audiophiles, the camera buffs, you name it. The ones who wake up every morning hoping to find that Apple has disappeared or the ones who said they were going to go piss on his grave the day Steve Jobs died. The ones who despise Samsung and Google. 
    Really?  Might be you’re projecting that “mine is better than yours” position onto others.  How about a “if I’m going to purchase a premium product, I’d like to know which performs best” mentality?  Isn’t that the more significant reason to do product comparisons?  
    king editor the gratewilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Apple highlights positive reviews of Apple Watch Series 4 ahead of launch

    Will upgrade from Series Zero,

    I like the rectangular design, but it’s interesting that some of the new watch faces are circular. I wonder if that’s setting the stage for a circular design (in addition to rectangular) in the future?
    I doubt it.  The circular design fits with circular mechanical watch movements, but it’s inefficient for presenting data and, strap on any reasonably sized circular watch and then get down and do some pushups.  That’s the best way I can illustrate that you wouldn’t have designed a wrist wearable to be circular if you didn’t have to, all those hundreds of years ago.  It’ll dig into the back of your hand (the crown certainly will) unless you’re wearing it unfashionably high on your wrist. It’s just not the ergonomic design by any measure.  