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  • Echoes of launches past: Tim Cook likens Apple Vision Pro to iPhone launch

    MplsP said:
    Xed said:
    I don't see that. I'd liken it to being more like the original Mac launch since it's very expensive with most people still wondering what they could possibly do with this bleeding edge tech. 
    agreed. The iPhone was the right product coming into a waiting hole in the market. Virtual reality and augmented. Reality is still trying to find its place and a use and such Apple has much more of an uphill climb with Vision Pro. By all accounts it’s an extraordinarily well-designed product. I just hope there’s a market for it.
    Agree, with one caveat.  The iPhone came into a nascent Apple ecosystem with tens of millions of Mac users and maybe 150-200 million iPod users.  Vision Pro is joining a world with 2.2 billion active Apple devices and a gigantic library of existing apps.  Its challenge to reach critical mass is eased a bit by this fact.  Countered, of course, by its far more narrow scope of use cases and its physical challenge of being a relatively bulky headset.  But the installed base of Apple devices and the wide variety of existing apps will help.  
  • Nothing kills iMessage bridge because it profoundly violated user privacy & security

    gatorguy said:
    geekmee said:
    gatorguy said:
    chasm said:
    And just to re-emphasize this point: how could such an app get onto the Google Play Store in the first place? Do they have NO app review process over there?

    Happens to the best of us.

    Don't let your toenails scratch your tongue. I've heard it really hurts ;)
    Gee, 23,000 posts. 
    When I joined AI around 13 years ago the forum was a lot more lively, hundreds of new posts every day from dozens of different members. There was a lot to talk about. You're one of the old guys and remember how it was, not for the meek, thin-skinned, or ill-informed. :)

    I've slowed down visits in the last 2-3 as have a lot of the old members. There are fewer articles posted, the ones we have are less divisive, and members are less interested in commenting on them. The pieces I want to involve myself in are few and far between any more, but occasionally a subject comes up where commenters are confused or unaware, and my interest is piqued. This happens to one of those.

    So yeah, I may have slowed down the number of posts in recent years a LOT, but there are still ones I enjoy participating in.
    I don't have nearly the number of posts as you, but I agree with your statements.  There was a lot more to argue about back in the Apple is Doomed days; funny how success quells antagonism.  Many here have not welcomed many of your counter-argument posts over the years, but it's clear you've presented a valuable counter to the sometimes too fervent Apple fanaticism.  You've held your own well through those nearly 24k comments.  
  • EU tells Apple to open everything up to its rivals

    Maybe Apple could sell its new products each year everywhere except the EU, and in the EU sell last year's models running the EU iOS with all that openness they want.  Sorry, it takes a year to validate the EU-open editions of our operating systems on each new Apple hardware release.  Enjoy living in the past.  
  • iPhone 16 rumored to gain new capacitive 'Capture Button,' updated Action button

    Uh oh, I think Apple transferred the Touch Bar team over to work on the iPhone.  
  • China widens ban on officials using iPhones but isn't enforcing it

    mubaili said:
    All the compromises Apple has made over the years mount to not much. From now on Apple should be strong enough to say no more and prepare to move all its operations out. Apple can’t change a thing by continuing the engagement. The only Apple gets out is the damaged reputation. It’s no longer worth it. As a shareholder I am going to press Apple to pull out just like what Google has done many years ago. 
    Just because a minuscule amount of business will be lost that's no reason to walk away from the vast majority of a huge market, ceding it to Apple's competition and therefore strengthening that competition it needs to compete against worldwide? 

    Did Tesla pull out of China when the CCP banned Teslas, with their eight cameras, from government installations?  No, nor should they have.

    I lived in Vietnam for six months a few years ago, long enough to learn that drone use is highly restricted, as is taking any video of airports, military installations and even government buildings.  

    Each country has its own rules and the right to determine what is and isn't allowed.  You may have valid issues with China on human rights and how they regulate privacy, and for those reasons you may appropriately feel we shouldn't do business with China.  But this issue doesn't, in my view, rise to the same level.  It's hurting my 12,000 shares of Apple just like every other shareholder, but this will prove to be not so impactful on Apple's actual business. This too shall pass. 
    muthuk_vanalingamwaveparticlewilliamlondonBart Y9secondkox2watto_cobra