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  • On 6th anniversary of death of Steve Jobs, Apple CEO Tim Cook still inspired by his late f...

    When I read the book Becoming Steve Jobs, I came away thinking it was a fair appraisal of the complexion of a person whose every thought, every quote, and every decision has been scrutinized for several decades. I had the fortune to spend 26 years, beginning in 1985, working in software start-ups, constantly under the invent-or-die paridigm in which someone like a Steve Jobs comes to stardom. I worked for the same CEO in three consecutive companies throughout that 26 year period; probably one of the longest running continuous partnerships in the history of the fast-paced and ever changing technology industry.  He's a UC Berkley grad, and a Harvard MBA, and is a brilliant and driven entrepreneur and CEO, who grew up in Palo Alto, by the way, just a few blocks from where Jobs lived until his death. I recall shouting matches in meetings, cold dismissals of people who were lazy in their thinking, and a relentless drive to pull us all forward into a future he often single-handedly invented. Very much a portrait that might be applied to Steve Jobs. And yet, one of the most caring and human people I've ever known; a Buddist, a deep thinker, and someone who would go out of his way to serve his employees, beyond the workplace. To anyone on the receiving end of his intense and intellectual scrutiny, I can see them walking away dismissing him as nothing more than an egotistical asshole. But that's far from the truth understood by those of us who knew him for decades. I imagine the reputation of Jobs was formed in the same manner, and wholly undeserved of the actual man.

    tallest skilelectrosoftGeorgeBMacfotoformatdoozydozenfastasleepwatto_cobrajony0
  • Apple and the future of photography in Depth: iPhone 8 Plus

    sog35 said:
    sog35 said:
    Hard to believe that the lowly Pixel beats the iPhone camera again.

    Come on Tim.  You have billions. YOu should EASILY beat every camera on the market.

    Yet DXO has the Pixel2 a higher rating than the 8 Plus.
    I think it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Apple is being compared to others on a set of criteria and tests that don’t really plumb the depths of what’s going on.  Daniel’s illumination regarding how the Pixel does brokah effects versus iPhone is a good example.  Apple is about applying technology to build foundational capabilities, whereas their competition is about following along which a checklist.  “Yup, we’ve got that feature too.  Check!”  

    But, of course, you know this, right?  You’re the one who always knows better than Tim Cook.  
    that little jab at the end was not necessary. That's below what a moderator should be
    I didn’t ask to be a moderator.  I’ll continue calling em as I see em, even if my status is revoked.  No skin off my back.  
  • Apple and the future of photography in Depth: iPhone 8 Plus

    sog35 said:
    Hard to believe that the lowly Pixel beats the iPhone camera again.

    Come on Tim.  You have billions. YOu should EASILY beat every camera on the market.

    Yet DXO has the Pixel2 a higher rating than the 8 Plus.
    I think it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Apple is being compared to others on a set of criteria and tests that don’t really plumb the depths of what’s going on.  Daniel’s illumination regarding how the Pixel does brokah effects versus iPhone is a good example.  Apple is about applying technology to build foundational capabilities, whereas their competition is about following along which a checklist.  “Yup, we’ve got that feature too.  Check!”  

    But, of course, you know this, right?  You’re the one who always knows better than Tim Cook.  
  • Ikea's augmented reality app now available for download

    Thank goodness I don’t have epilepsy. All I get is a flashing screen that cycles between black and white at whatever the iPhone 6’s refresh rate is. 1.0.1 update soon, I guess.  :p

    ARKit isn't supported on iPhone 6.  Just 6S and later models, including the SE.  Probably a mistake in the app parameters in its submission to the App Store.  It shouldn't have let you download it to an iPhone 6.
    gregoriusmtallest skil
  • First look: Hands-on with Apple's iPhone X

    So why do you have to swipe up to get to the home screen when unlocking the device? Why doesn’t Face ID take you directly to the home screen? Seems slower than Touch ID.
    IMO for two reasons: 1-It forces a deliberate action to turn on/unlock the phone.. Otherwise accidental glances by the owner or others my triger the unlock.....resulting in unintended unlocks.... ....and in case of others accidentally glancing, it would result into unsuccessful unlocks.. after few of which the phone would be forced into passcode unlock mode . Not very practical and convenient. 2-the detection device would have to be on all the time , by forcing a deliberate swipe up.. the detection device will only come on when needed and save battery . All that said.. i think iphone 8 with glass construction and X with the glass and stainless construction are absolutely Gorgeous!!!
    Regarding #2 I believe you are mistaken. Swiping up for home takes place after face authentication. 

    I believe the reason is to allow one to review the lock screen if desired. 

    I also wonder whether the home action as a force touch on the bottom edge would be a good option. i have to assume they tested it but not sure why swipe prevailed. 
    Are you sure about that or guessing? ... that would mean that the detection mechanism has to be on all the time not very good for battery life.. i doubt Apple would make a choice like that. 
    The detection happens when you wake it, not all the time, and not when you swipe. You raise to wake, it 1) looks for a face, 2) checks face is looking at screen if face-attention is activated as is by default, 3) checks if it’s your face. if you swipe any time during this process it will bring you past the lock screen once authentication is complete. if you do not swipe it leaves you at lock screen.

    im certain about all of this per Craig F. 
    But that brings another issue to mind.
    if the detection mechanism does  not wake up at swipe time but rather when phone is raised to wake....what happens  if ones phone is sitting  on a desk or the saddle in the car and one want to unlock it without having to  or being able to raise it up. (Ir.. being in car saddle)
    Wouldnt it be more practical if the users touch/swipe woke the detection system up? That way a deliberate action from the user  will wake up  the detection and also one wont have to pick the phone up .... 
    The detection mechanism also triggers if you tap anywhere on the screen, as shown in tne keynote. Tap the display or move the phone to trigger the face recognition process. 