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  • Editorial: Why Apple ignores so much pundit innovation advice

    Although the premise of this article is correct, it saddens me to have to point out that it is a puff piece plain and simple. I've come to expect better appleinsider!!
    How long have you had this expectation?  That you now, after how many years of reading AppleInsider, decide to create an account and post your first comment?  
  • Australian banks eliminate fee demands, focus legal assault on opening up Apple Pay NFC te...

    Trying to think of an appropriate analogy.  

    Maybe it's the same as the alternate AppStore argument.  People want either to avoid the cost of doing business on Apple's turf, or have control of the experience Apple provides.  And this takes me back to the movie theater analogy.  Apple's OS (iOS) is like the theater.  They don't allow in outside food, and they don't provide access to the projectors.  It's Apple's place of business.  Control over it is a big part of the reason operating systems are licensed, not sold.  The intellectual property that runs your iPhone belongs to Apple, not to the owner of the physical handset.  Apple isn't telling anyone they can't have access to the NFC chip; heck, you can rip the phone apart and dig in there and pull out the NFC circuitry, for all the good it'll do you.  Yup, as the owner of the phone, it's yours.  But you can't utilize it via Apple's OS in ways Apple doesn't approve of.  Jailbreak and do whatever you like.  
  • Apple Inc. gears up to distribute $3.1 billion in dividends to shareholders

    $3.1 billion in dividend payouts imply 5,438,596,491 shares.

    But the article later correctly reports the share count as of Jan 20 as 5.247 billion shares outstanding, and that number, minus any additional shares Apple may have bought back between then and today's close (close of Feb 8th), is what Apple owes the dividend against.  So the absolute dollar payout this quarter will be more like $2.99 billion.

    For those still confused about the ex-dividend date and the definition of ownership of shares, the 9th is the ex-dividend date, and that means you must be the beneficial owner of shares prior to the 9th in order to receive the dividend of those shares.  You become the beneficial owner AS SOON AS your order to purchase shares is executed.  

    The reason the date of record falls three business days later is that there's a three-day settlement period during which funds are transferred from the buyer's account to the seller's account and the purchased stock is assigned into the purchaser's name (or into street name of his brokerage).  And it's that list of owners, after settlement, to which dividends are paid.  So if you buy the shares at 3:59pm ET on the 8th, or even in the aftermarket session at 7:59pm ET on the 8th, and even if you subsequently sell them at 7:00am ET in the pre-market session on the morning of the 9th, you will be the beneficial owner of record three business days later and will receive the dividend on those shares.  
  • Apple expected to replace Touch ID with two-step facial, fingerprint bio-recognition tech

    Just to be clear on terms...

    Face recognition is the term used to describe the process of identifying a specific person, such as from a database of known persons (no fly list, for example).  This is face recognition.

    There's also face detection, which is the process of detecting the elements of a human face within a scene.  This is typically a precursor to application of face recognition algorithms, used to identify the owner of a face in a scene.

    Then there's facial recognition, which is the process of detecting specific facial expressions (smiling, frowning, sadness, etc).  This term is often used in the medical world to characterize specific inabilities of patients to recognize meaning in human faces.  Or, I suppose, one could use the term facial recognition to mean the detection of someone who has recently come from a spa treatment appointment.  (Kidding.)

    Folks who incorrectly use the term facial recognition will find themselves finally corrected once Apple introduces some form of face detection and face recognition on stage in a product introduction.  Until that day I'm afraid folks will continue to use the wrong term to describe face recognition.  Those who want to be certain of the correct term to use now should do a google search of the huge body of research on the topic, where they will find that all technical papers refer to face recognition as defined above.

    for example:  http://www.face-rec.org/interesting-papers/
  • Simply Mac stores closing amid apparent corporate restructuring

    Meanwhile, here in the Philippines there's a great Apple reseller called iStore.  The stores exclusively sell all things Apple, the entirety of the main product lines and plenty of accessories.  There are, I think, just eight in the country, each looking like an actual Apple Store with curved glass walls and clean product tables/presentation.


    A pic of store
