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  • Post-holiday iPhone sales fears 'overblown,' analyst says

    "Most investment analysts believe that Apple will have a good quarter, with some predicting a record-breaking one..."

    I've been quiet.  Haven't mentioned this to tip off any analysts.  Just been waiting to see if there's any analyst out there who would pick up on it?  What's the nugget of information I've been holding back?  The Sep - Dec 2011 holiday season, Apple's 2012 fiscal first quarter, was a 14 week quarter for Apple; Apple ends each quarter on the last Saturday of each calendar quarter.  Shhh, don't tell the analysts, but, the Sep - Dec quarter just ended was another one.  It's the first 14-week holiday quarter for Apple since 2011.  And that adds about 8% to the length of the quarter versus other years, which have 13 weeks.  

    True Apple earnings devotees will recall that Apple earnings remained flat in its 13-week 2013 fiscal Q1 versus its 14-week 2012 fiscal Q1, and analysts derided the company as having reached the end of its growth.  Doomed.  But none would give voice to the fact that Apple matched its previous year Q1 earnings with a shorter holiday quarter.  We can expect the same, I'm certain, this year and next, when Apple surprises to the upside with this next quarterly report, only to disappoint expectations next year when they're back to a typical 13-week holiday quarter.  
    nyctravisquadra 610anantksundaramDeelronanton zuykovdouglas baileymwhitefotoformatdysamoriajas99
  • US appeals court says public has right to sue Apple over App Store exclusivity

    Can we also sue movie theaters for not allowing us to bring our own food?  And restaurants, for that matter.  I really like the atmosphere at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, but their prices are too high for my taste.  Why shouldn't I be able to bring my own steak and eat it there?  And I want to be able to buy competing products from individual vendors while at Macy's, flea market style.  Why aren't those vendors allowed to hang out in Macy's?  Maybe setup a booth there?

    Do people even understand that they don't 'own' iOS?  That they have only a license to use it?  It's not their OS.  They own the hardware they purchase from Apple, and so, as another commenter indicates, they are free to jailbreak and install their own apps on the hardware.  But I can't see that Apple has any obligation to allow outside apps runnng under iOS.  IOS is the analog to the retail space owned by a Macy's or the lobby of a movie theater.  
    bloggerblogmacseekerbaconstanganantksundarampscooter63muppetrycaliration almonstrositybrucemc
  • Lawsuit blames Apple's 'less safe' FaceTime implementation for fatal traffic accident

    jsmythe00 said:
    MalyOpa said:
    Maybe someone should sue state of Texas of not implementing a law which prohibit people from using phones while driving
    Or maybe personal responsibility can be a thing still, and we don't need The Almighty Government to tell everyone what to do. 
    I like this idea. And do away with helmet laws too
    Wearing a proper crash helmet saved my life more than once. It is risky enough already riding a bike. Stupid car drivers are everywhere. They don't care as they are nice and safely locked up inside their tin cans. I now wear body armour (kevlar) on my shoulders, elbows and knees when riding.
    I'm still here aged 60+ and have been riding bikes since Man landed on the moon. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet back on '72 I'd be long dead.
    No reason to repeal helmet laws in my opinion.
    I'd advocate a stricter version of Florida's approach. In FL, you have to show you've got $10k in bank deposits if you want to ride without a helmet. The idea being you'll have some skin in the game to cover potential head injury costs. I'd up that to $50k, and make you post it as a bond. You wanna ride with no helmet, sure, you have that freedom, if you can cover some of the costs often bore by society for the brain injuries that often result from accidents where the rider wasn't wearing a helmet. That's a measure of personal responsibility combined with retaining the right of freedom to do something stupid.
    roundaboutnowapple jockey
  • All of Apple's OLED 'iPhone 8' models to use curved Samsung panels - report

    When I think of what Apple might do with that wrap around edge I think maybe a touch-bar-esque usage.  It might default to displaying a virtual bezel, and then take on certain actions depending upon application/context. Game control would be one obvious example, where all you need is a delineated area tied to some function.  It could simply be indicated with color (no text needed).  Volume up/down can be similarly depicted, even video controls. When not used for some context-specific function that area could be simply a virtual bezel that rejects touch input.  The key is to not overburden the edges by trying to display information there.  You've got a whole display for that.  

     Not sure if Sammy is doing any of this, but I'm confident Apple can do a better job utilizing that area of a display.