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  • Five boring apps that Apple shouldn't forget about for the Apple Vision Pro

    Apple Maps Street View?  Nah.  

    Godzilla View.  

    You heard it here first.  
  • Apple share price closes at an all-time record high thanks to Vision Pro speculation

    danox said:
    It's not the all-time all time high.
    Before the 7x stock split back in 2014 it was something like $650 per share.
    There was a 4x stock split in 2020. Shares were about $380.

    They were real nice for me! ߘ㦬t;/div>

    I'm not an investor, but my understanding is that a stock split does not change the value of a shareholder's earnings. You just get more of them.

    When news articles report an "all time high", they are not talking about the dollar value of each individual share (ie. $100, $200, $300), but rather than value of a share to shareholders. 

    If a share is valued at $700, and you own one of them, you'd have 1 x $700 = $700.

    If a 7x stock split happens, you have 7 x $100 = $700.

    Now if the share price goes up to $200 each, that $200 share is technically worth more than that original single $700 share, since you'd have 7 x $200 = $1400.

    I could be completely wrong, but this is how I see share prices being valued. It's not about their individual dollar value, but the "worth" overall to shareholders.

    On paper, you’re not wrong, but if you had invested $3500, the price of an Apple Vision Pro today, in 2005 right after Apple’s 2 to 1 split, you would have bought 78.65 Apple shares if you had stayed long through the 7 to 1 split and the 4 to 1 split, not counting reinvesting dividends back into the amount you have, your total portfolio today would be. 2002.2 Apple shares and at today’s market price that would be approximately $400,800.40 dollars at today’s market value.

    If you invest in a good blue chip company and you just stay constant over the years like Buffett, it can add up over time.

    The moral of the story is if you are not investing in Apple, Monster Drink, or some of the other blue-chip company or companies and you are under the age of 40. You need to hit yourself over the head three times.

    Stock, splits and dividends are two of the best things that can happen to a long retail investor.

    I am not a fan of stock buybacks but management across all companies good and bad love them, I would rather have the dividends in my pocket irregardless of the taxes, but that is not how the modern MBA’s, management, and accountants see it, note it used to be illegal for a company to buyback it’s own shares and I think it should be illegal again.

    Stock buybacks are a tax efficient means of moving cash off the balance sheet.  You don’t want a lot of cash sitting unused on a company’s balance sheet because cash gets valued at 1x versus a company’s operations being value at some higher multiple, in Apple’s case currently at about 31x. 

    This makes the shares more attractive to those looking to invest.  Each dollar invested buys more of the productive assets and less of the static cash asset.  And this is the point missed by most who suggest buybacks are mere manipulation.

    And, of course, share buybacks also increase the existing shareholders’ percentage ownership.  I’ll trade my ownership stake in a pile of 1x-valued static cash any day for more of Apple’s 31x-valued productive operations.  Thank you, sir.  Please do more of that. 

  • All the Apple subreddits set to go dark in protest of Reddit's API charges

    Oh I get it, but the principle of what they "whomever" removed based on the fees Apple charges is hypocritical. Everyone need to make business changes, as such Reddit in this case. So yes Apple set a standard of high fees, and it should be OK for others to follow - fundamentally.
    What the market will bear end what is needed to cover costs.  If Reddit feels it needs to impose these charges, then so be it.  The business will live or die based on its decisions.   Apple seems ti provide tremendous value to developers and to customers through its App Store end time has shown that what they charge for that they provide is okay with the market.  We shall see how things go for Reddit in this regard.  
    forgot usernameFileMakerFeller
  • Up close and hands on with Apple Vision Pro at Apple Park

    Mariner8 said:
    I’m mostly looking forward to seeing / helping to develop assistive tech for people with disabilities on this platform.  Eye-gaze controls and selection activation can be a godsend for people with motor control problems (please find a way to finalize a selection with something other than a hand gesture).  

    Selections-to-speech will be easy.  Selections-to environmental controls will be a cinch, and much more. 
    A very primitive precursor to the capability you are thinking about was created by my first startup.  We developed a headset to replace the mouse on the original 1984 Mac, to allow quadriplegics to use the computer.  The headset used three ultrasonic transducers, along with one in the base station, to detect end measure head motions.  Even when you glance with your eyes from one place on screen to another, your head almost imperceptibly moves, and the most sensitive of the three settings on our device would easily pick this up and move the mouse cursor to exactly what you looked at.  Customers swore it was reading their minds.  

    To click, we initially created a bite switch, but then we developed a, much preferred by our customers, puff switch.  Along with a screen keyboard, you could fully operate a Mac with just your head.  We called the product HeadMaster.  

    A customer in Australia, a bedridden quadriplegic, used it to write his biography.  He sent us a signed copy, signed by holding a pen in his mouth.  There were tears in our offices that day.   

    Johnny Wilder, from the band Heatwave, was another customer.  From his Wiki entry…

    On February 24, 1979, a van broadsided Wilder's car, paralyzing him from the neck down and hospitalizing him for a year.

    During the 1980s and 1990s, Wilder went on to record albums with the group, as well as an album with his brother entitled Sound of Soul in 1989.  Referring to his music he stated "The music that I'm doing is my way of giving thanks to God for being alive".  All accomplished using the HeadMaster product we developed.  

    Below is one of our advertisements, which we had initially named the View Control System, before pivoting from the general market it was aimed at to the disabled market.  Another advertisement, which I’m not able to find online all these years later, had the tagline, If You Can Move Your Head, You Can Move Your World. 

    The epilogue to this story is that the founder of Personics, a man who grew up a few blocks from Steve Jobs and knew him as an adult during the early Apple era, suffered a stroke in 2017, has limited use of one arm and is very much looking forward to this product.  

    His message to me yesterday,

    “I am very excited about vision pro after watching a few videos on cnet. Should be great for me with my condition.”  I’m thinking I’ll gift him one on the day it becomes available to order. 

    Life has a way of circling back around.  

    avon b7Mariner8DoctorQspherichexclockcg27entropysbeowulfschmidtroundaboutnowmuthuk_vanalingam
  • Up close and hands on with Apple Vision Pro at Apple Park

    Xed said:
    eightzero said:
    Xed said:
    h4y3s said:
    Remember folks, this is just an early prototype of the eventual "Apple iGlasses". This one built for programmers and developers to get their hands on something that works before they roll out the final product, which will look more like a pair of Ray-Ban's and you will wear all day!  Maybe in five or six years. 
    1) They've moved away from i-naming scheme.
    2) We are not 5 or 6 years away from getting an M-series chip (or any of the other HW) into something the size and weight of a pay of Ray-Bans.
    In 1963 we were not 5-6 years away from landing on the moon.
    Of course we were. Untess you're a conspiracy theorist, we landed there in 1969.

    In 2017 we were not 5-6 from this device or a Mac Pro like they showed yesterday.
    Clearly we were, and it was obvious since we already had the same SoC in a much smaller Mac Studio. All they did was effectively get PCIe slots in the chassis from the previous Mac Pro.

    Or a camera like what it on the iPhone 14.
    Sure it was as it's just a iteration.

    Come to think about it, Apple does still seem to see a lot of iMacs, iPhones, and iCloud services these days.
    Huh? Was that sentence suppose to say something?

    Outside of your beyond ridiculous comparisons the bottom line is that your suggestions that VR goggles could be the size and weight of a pair of Ray-Bans in half a decade without anything to back up that projection is not just silly, but downright stupid. These aren't stand-alone AR glasses like Google Glass, but offer a fully immersive VR experience. Even if the tech could reasonably shrink to fit everything inside of a pair of lightweight sunglasses in a handful of years (again, it can't), you're still missing the fundamental issue with making a VR headset that is open around the sides, top and bottom as is the case with a pair of Ray-Bans.
    Actually the limiting factor will be physics.  The Vision Pro extends a fair distance in front of the face not merely because there’s a lot of stuff in there, but because they have to mount the displays a minimum distance from the eyes, and that distance is farther than a pair of sunglasses sit in front of a wearer’s eyes. So it may never be able to be incorporated into a pair of glasses.  Google Glass did something different.  This level of immersion isn’t likely to be doable closer to the eyes. 