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  • Ride1Up Revv 1 review: An awesome moped-style e-bike

    This is what $2300 got me here in The Philippines, a 155cc, efficient (gas powered) motorcycle; a typical sized bike used by 80% of the population, though many less expensive models are available, ranging from 110cc up to 155cc in both motorcycle and scooter forms.  Yeah, it's not electric, but it's a full motor bike experience and so much more practical.  I kinda wish these, in this size, were available and common in the US.

  • Apple will not buy Disney, no matter how often it hears that it will

    My speculation has always been that Apple would/should buy McLaren. Their corporate philosophies are very similar. McLaren is the Apple of the auto business. Apple is the McLaren of the PC business.

    And McLaren probably would cost only about $1B which is half of what Apple has already paid for a company that makes wearable speakers.

    P.S. Apple copied McLaren's idea of a large circular headquarters on a green campus. 

    I'd prefer they buy Mazda at $5 billion.  They'd get volume and design style that I think fits Apple's design philosophy.  Just need to complete the, admittedly slow, transition to EV.  
  • Apple will not buy Disney, no matter how often it hears that it will

    Disney has been Apple's greatest 'No.'

    Tesla, assuming a deal could have been struck back in the day, has been Apple's worst 'No.'

  • Truck thief gunned down by owner after AirTag gives away location

    lkrupp said:
    Texans love their trucks, but a truck isn’t worth throwing your life away for.  That goes for both the thief and the owner.  Better to give the police the location and let them deal with it.  Goes without saying, I suppose.  
     Yeah, the meek shall inherit the Earth, right? Be a scared little vole and hand over your keys, your wallet, your daughter if demanded, right? There's a reason some states have Castle Doctrines, Stand Your Ground Laws, and Concealed Carry Laws. "Oh please, Mr. Thug, don't hurt me"

    As for the police? Gimme a break. They have bigger fish to fry than a stolen truck.
    Bit of a difference between stand your ground and go hunt down the criminal like a vigilante.  
    seanjpulseimagesblastdoordewmeforgot usernamewatto_cobra
  • Apple AR headset debut at WWDC in doubt

    flydog said:
    mobird said:
    Apple could reduce the MSRP on it's entire product line in a meaningful way with the funds that most likely has gone into this project... ;)
    Not sure how far the R&D money goes when applied to so many products sold, but you’re onto something. 

    Apple was expected to actually LOWER prices with the advent of Apple Silicon. Instead, they have skyrocketed with exception of the SSD-handicapped Mac mini. 
    No one expected or was promised “lower prices.” Total BS. 
    No one was promised - TRUE. Expected - May be, you were not paying attention to the forum posts. But there were few people who claimed "Apple would be able to avoid the Intel Tax" and pass on those savings to Apple's customers. Many were sceptical of this argument and were proven right.
    I'd have to ask, why on earth would they pass the savings along.  There's a boatload of Apple Silicon R&D to amortize.  