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  • Apple employees fear MR headset could be an expensive flop

    Tim Cook is a supply chain genius.  That means he has a sense of which technologies will come into existence as a natural progression and which need to be forced into existence through pushing hard to create specific products.  It seems like this is a case where the needed technologies need a big push, and that may be a reason to get a not-fully-realized product out into the wild, at least out to software and content creators. 

    But this still leaves me wondering about the killer app.  As another poster pointed out, it's not as though Apple is at the forefront of the gaming world with its current hardware, so it doesn't seem that this is a push for more immersive gaming.  Personally, I think Apple's philosophy on energy efficiency alone has been a big part of why the company participates in gaming mostly at the casual level; it may well be that Apple doesn't want its compute power, and associated power draw, used merely in the pursuit of zombie killing.  Apple wants to advance humanity and it wants it technologies to enhance people's engagement with the real world.  Some kind of mixed reality might be the direction they see for this technology, rather than more immersion into fully virtual realities.  But again, what's the killer app?  I look forward to any insights on that question that Apple may reveal come WWDC.  
  • Folding iPhone could automatically protect itself from drops

    Just keep making non-foldable phones and I’ll trust the case makers to protect them for me.  
  • Multiple mall shootings prompt Apple Store closure in North Carolina

    One wonders if Apple had been in active discussion with the mail operators in order to gain some level of assurance regarding security of Apple Store staff and patrons and maybe failed to gain the level of assurance they were seeking.  This would be a plausible backstory for an abrupt shutdown.  
  • Smartphone sustainability is at an all-time high, Apple in the lead

    mike1 said:
    Apple should sell refurbished products in other nations like Indonesia,Pakistan and Bangladesh and offer 3-4 years of security updates to iOS devices not getting newer OSes. They should also improve presence in poorer nations like Africa and South East Asia. 

    Ugh! Where do you think the millions of traded in iPhones go?
    Apple always provides updates, security and otherwise, to older phones for many, many years after they stop selling.

    What presence would you like Apple to have in those nations?. Huge Apple stores for no customers?! Apple products are attainable anywhere in the world through one form of distribution or another.
    Apples official presence in south east Asia is not strong. Although there are plenty of devices in the gray market having access to official refurbished products will get more switchers in poorer regions in the world
    Here in the Philippines where I’m living my early retirement there are at least two Apple reseller chains.  The iStore and Mac Power Center, both of which sell the entire Apple product line and do not sell other brands.  They do an excellent job of representing Apple here, with very nice stores that mimic the Apple Store esthetic.  They also have separate repair centers (smaller storefronts usually in the same malls  as their retail stores) where they take in Apple products for repairs, battery swaps, etc.  
  • Apple Store crash victims sue Apple over '100% preventable' crash

    ronn said:
    caskey said:

    Do the other stores in the mall have large sheets of glass for entrances? Why does Apple have barriers at many of their other stores? How many instances has Apple had of vehicles used in smash in grabs at their stores over the years? If stores "have barriers installed behind their stores in for theft and loss prevention," why not in the front which is much more vulnerable, especially in this instance with a glass wall? There will be depositions and paperwork looked over with a fine-tooth comb in search of answers to all those questions and more. This is just the beginning of the lawsuits with at least two employees already suing (although they're currently not suing Apple, just the driver and the property owners).
    What does having large glass windows have anything to do with this? It’s a strip mall. They all have large primarily glass entrances. That’s how retail stores work. They want to show off what they have inside. This accident didn’t happen because they have large windows. It happened because some moron, jammed his foot on the gas and went through an area he shouldn’t have. Apple is not to blame for any of this. This is purely a cash grab by greedy lawyers.

    How many crash and grabs at stores for Nantucket Kids, Loft, Allbirds, Cava, etc? Crash & Grabs have been happening at Apple stores for more than a decade. Some stores more than once. The Apple Store glass walls are nowhere near the same as other stores' glass entrances. They're basically large sheets of glass as in the Hingham store. It's a miracle it took this long for the something like to this happen, intentionally or not.
    You do know there’s a restaurant directly at the end of the street the Toyota sped down.  A restaurant that is set back only a fraction the distance from the curb.  A restaurant that the driver HAD TO swerve to avoid, thus putting him on a path into the Apple Store.  A restaurant that has outdoor seating (in warmer weather) right there directly in line with the street the Toyota sped down.  See Google maps, which shows a summertime view with diners sitting out there three feet from the curb.  Oh, and there are zero bollards in front of that restaurant.  

    So Apple, which is not lined up with the street and is set back 30 feet, should have had bollards but not the restaurant?  Maybe the restaurant should be sued. If it had bollards maybe the driver would have sacrificed his vehicle on them rather than swerving to avoid driving through the low wall with huge picture windows of the restaurant.  