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  • iOS 15 adoption rate appears to be lagging behind past updates

    Apple shot themselves in the foot by trying to imbed a a Mass Surveillance code in all of their devices through their operating systems under the guise of CSAM Virtue!
    They lost integrity, they lost credibility and consumer faith in their supposed commitment to Privacy and their Mantra of ‘Privacy is Paramount’… A commitment most of Apple customers were willing to pay a premium for.. ( one stupid decision and all of that is out the window) 
    And to this day they have not officially backed off from implementing it… continuing with the damage rather coming out and openly admitting to the blunder and getting their Full PR force behind damage control! and hopefully damage repair!? 
    I for one, (and seems many as well) will not update until Apple openly and officially abandons their shameless attempt to install Mass Surveillance code in MY/OUR devices!
  • Tumblr blocks 'hundreds' of search terms in latest iOS update

    Epitome of absurdity!!! Some of the words banned: ‘Girl’, ‘Sad’, ‘ Me’, ‘ Big’ ….!!! are these considered offensive now ???🤯🤯🤯 I guess language as a whole is offensive and should be banned too.
  • Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky joins Apple's board of directors

    A bit confused..
    Doesnt appointments of board members require an election procedure  a resolution and voting by the shareholders?
    If so when did that take place ? 
  • New iOS 15.2 beta includes Messages feature that detects nudity sent to kids

    elijahg said:

    This does still have the potential to be contentious, since it's still scanning (on device) the photos being sent. That means much like before the tech for further erosion of privacy is already implemented, potentially allowing a country to force Apple to scan for particular pictures as they see fit. Yes it's enabled for child accounts only, but it wouldn't be much trouble to enable scanning for anyone, and not much more of a stretch to force them to send a surreptitious notification to a government minion.

    What happens if Jingping tells Apple it has to scan for any photos of Winnie the Pooh? Will Apple still say no under threat of being removed from China? This question that was never really answered before still exists - and Apple's only response is "we won't bend to government demands", with no answer to "even if it's China?".
    Photos library scanning is already happening on our devices. Both Apple and Google offers items and faces recognition in their apps, so it makes no sense to be worried now after years of library scanning. 
    Yes but Only on iCloud … not on ones device …
    No more Updates for me !!! 
    Principally f-ed up …. Its surveillance.. regardless of what they want to call it or Misrepresent it as!!!
    If they can scan photos… they can scan for anything their heart desires.

  • No, Apple is not making better products because Jony Ive left

    The article sound like an indirect defensive comeback by Ives! 