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  • Party's over: Apple tries to shrink costs of Apple TV+ productions

    I may be in the minority here, but I can’t stand the language in these shows. The use of the f-word has gotten out of control. Sometimes I feel that the writers just force it in. Put less TV-M and I’d watch a lot more! 
  • iPhone 16 button expansion: what the rumor mill thinks is coming

    Count me in the group of users that has forgotten the action button. I was a day one adopter of the iPhone 15 and have used it less than handful of times. And that is to just test it and not use it in real life settings. 
  • Lost Apple Watch spends a night in the ocean, found in working condition

    I went to Cancun, Mexico on vacation. Accidentally wore my Apple Watch Series 4 while scuba diving in the Ocean. Thought for sure it would be ruined when I finished. Went 80’ under the water. Didn’t have any issues. Unfortunately the very next day I went swimming in an underground cenote, my watch fell off my wrist sank to 20-30 ft under the water. I wasn’t able to recover it…been two years. Maybe someday someone will find it. Put it in lost mode and hoping someday it is recovered. Probably a long shot but would be cool if it could be found and was working. 
  • Everything new coming to CarPlay in iOS 13

    I'm super excited about these updates. I use CarPlay every day and have wanted a split screen mode since it was first available. The question I have, since I don't yet have the beta, can you customize what information is available in the split screen view? For example, can it show the recent text messages rather than the calendar view? Also, does it show the name of the song rather than the artwork of the current album playing? 

    I also would like to see the current temperature outside based on my location or have CarPlay pull the temperature that the car is reading. For example in my Suburban, the outside temperature is only displayed on the touch screen, not on the dashboard. Currently when using CarPlay the only way to find out what the outside temperature is, is to exit CarPlay and go to the standard Chevy screen.  I would really like to see the current temp displayed all the time right below the time. Please tell me that current temperature is displayed somewhere in CarPlay! If not, please Apple put this feature in before the final release! 

    I can't wait to get my hands on this new update!