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  • Apple CEO Tim Cook tapped to advise President Trump's 'Office of American Innovation'

    So, I've gone from a citizen down to a customer. why is this a good thing? Oh, right, it lines the 1%'s pockets even more because, you know, this is a good thing. /sick..
  • Microsoft inserting ads into Windows 10 File Explorer

    The new Ad-ware infection... Windows 10 itself. LOL
    lostkiwiStrangeDaysjbdragonedredbonobobwatto_cobraazurGeorgeBMacration al
  • Apple patents screen tech capable of reading fingerprints without dedicated sensor

    ireland said:
    Something along these lines is enevitable and comprehendible. What I'm more interested in intellectually is how Apple handles the home button UI and the earpiece speaker in such a scenario. I presume the speaker just moves to the top bevel edge. I know pizio speaker or whatever they are called are possibly but am skeptical of their sound quality. But how is the home button UI handled?? If it's not an always-on portion or the display how can the user see it and press it in one go and how will they feel where it is in a dark room? Raise to wake? I like that I can feel the home button. Any alternative I can imagine is in some way a worse experience. Yes design is about trade offs, but this seems like it might be 'cool' replacing totally useable.
    Apple has several patents that turn the display into a speaker. So it's not far fetched to see this completely eliminating both top and bottom bezels..
  • Mac owners between 2003 & 2008 can claim $10 in optical drive class-action lawsuit settlem...

    How can anyone complain about this? The drive manufacturers illegally set the price higher than it should have been, and $10 per unit is not nothing when they're collecting it from millions of computers sold to all the computer brands, it adds up. They got busted. Now they have to pay it back. Good. Why on earth wouldn't I want them to have to pay it back?
    It's not that they are paying it back.. ti's that they are paying it back at 2003 rate.. thats like getting a huge discount for doing something they shouldn't.. Almost 15 years later, at 10% interest.. assuming no penalty.. which .. since it's a 'conspiracy', their should be penalty costs .. but not seeing that here.
    coolfactorr00fus1[Deleted User]
  • Apple seeks to position Metal as part of new 3D graphics standard for web

    Headline is correct. Apple is looking to integrate Metal as part of the new API, not the API.
    yeah, very misleading.. The end-goal is to allow a more cross platform setup. on a PC, WebGPU would be working with DirecX most likely, while on a Mac, interface with Metal.. interchangeable standard. Very interesting idea, one I think many Dev's would be motivated to use since it would open up more universal Apps that can operate OS independently.