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  • Apple's iPhone drops to fifth place in Chinese smartphone market

    ireland said:
    What percentage of the profit does Apple make in China?
    I'm more interested in why you care? Since when did we fall in love with a company for how much money they are making at a certain moment in China? If that's our metric then we may as well give up now. It's so uninteresting to me whether they have 25% or 85% profit of the Chinese market. The source of all of these stories is greed anyway, because we're obsessed with number and money and Wall St. and measuring everything on a chart and the media is completely fucked up about this subject matter. Who gives two shits. I think we should all refocus on design and easy of use and company direction and company philosophy where the interesting creative stuff is to talk about. Enough with the boring comparisons. The only people who should be interested in this are stockholders and they have a vested interest in their argument, so their argument every time may as well be: "I own AAPL".
    Yes.  Philosophically, Apple is taking a great approach to products. Even content creation apps are looking better.  The premium value is there, so sales will follow.  The end is preexistent in the means.  
  • GM & Lyft to deploy 'thousands' of self-driving Bolts in 2018 - report

    Here's a snarky question:  Are people who aren't smart enough to drive a car safely, capable of doing any job?

    If the folks who voted for Trump did so because they feel entitled to better jobs and pay, they are looking for an easy way out.  They should shut off The Apprentice, switch off that Alex Jones YouTube channel and do what much less privileged people are doing in India and elsewhere.  Learn math.  Learn physics.  Learn chemistry.  Learn to code.  Learn to do something that has value in the 21st century, instead of asking big daddy to bring back the 20th century.  Human technological and social evolution will continue.  As an individual, you're either adapting or being a loser.
  • Bloomberg attacks Apple TV as failing to be "a groundbreaking, iPhone-caliber product"

    For a "Hobby" ATV is pretty good.  4K is coming and I predict, being an analyst myself, that Apple will take ATV to the next level come September.

    It'll go Echo with HomeKit integration + Router + Time Capsule in a sleek sculptural form.  
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook, SVP Eddy Cue attempted Imagine Entertainment buy -- report [u]

    sog35 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    Yup. Tim Cook and Sog35. 
    ok that was funny.

    One day you will find out that Sog35 is actually Tim Cook venting his frustrations anonymously 
    I knew it!  I totally knew it!  Hey Tim, ah, I mean Sog, can I have a job?  I have some amazing ideas and some fragile idea fragments.
  • Apple's 'iPhone 8' to replace Touch ID home button with 'function area,' start at $1,000

    mtbnut said:
    #FAIL. I, along with other expert tech industry prognosticators and pundits, were expecting a 5.16" display, not 5.15". 

    Thus, I recommend everyone SELL their AAPL positions, and run from the company immediately, as far away as possible. 
    You go first