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  • Five years after Steve Jobs: an Apple with the courage to say 'No'

    jkichline said:
    1) He's a terrible business man that has bankrupted everyone one of his companies.
    Americans have a tiny problem.  They don't know what something is until they experience it directly.  Trumpy is a Fascist.  If/When he's elected, Americans will learn what that is.  It's evolution.  Ignorance is a self-correcting deficit.  If you need a lesson in this, go live in Syria or the Philippines.  Perhaps, tour Auschwitz.  Tour the Synagogues of Western Europe.  Force yourself to read every name of every Jew tortured and killed.  You're remarks are pathetically infantile, like the candidate you support.  If you have a son or daughter, do this the day Mr. Trump is inaugurated.  March them down to the Marine corp recruiting office and get them signed up.  Put your ignorance right where your heart is.  I assure you, you'll get to visit Arlington, and for no good reason.   
  • Five years after Steve Jobs: an Apple with the courage to say 'No'

    This was puff writing.  Silly.  Steve showed pragmatism.  In contemporary American business culture, the long-term corporate results of rational pragmatism are perceived as "Visionary" "Magic" "etc.".  Actually, the real message here is how pathetically simple and greedy most corporate decision-making entities have become.  Steve was special, but the moves he made were 80% common sense, 10% visionary, 10% luck.  Looking back, that's pretty obvious, but pathetically rare.


  • Customer rampages through French Apple Store, smashes iPhones, iMacs, MacBook Air

    I'm a bit tired of rational people debating the causes of irrational behavior in others.  This human is crazy.  Defective.  Sad, but true.  Glad he didn't have a gun.  
  • Investor survey suggests massive demand for AirPods, growth potential for Apple Watch

    I miss Steve most when it comes to introducing things like EarPods and nixing the 3.5.  By the end of his introduction for this change, we'd all have thanked him for untethering us from mediocrity.
  • New Galaxy Note 7 fire raises worries Samsung didn't fix battery problems

    fallenjt said:
    sog35 said:
    volcan said:
    magman1979 said:

    How long until there is a sweeping ban on ALL Samsung devices on ALL flights around the world?
    As a frequent flyer this worries me a lot, but how do the airlines enforce a ban? No one is going to convince a Samsung owner to voluntarily comply. That is just not their mindset, damn the other 200 passengers on the plane.
    Who cares about what Samsung mindset is. Their product is absolutely a fire hazard. This is like saying it isn't the mindset of someone with dynamite to not bring it on a plane. Too bad. Samsung owners should have ZERO CHOICE. Their phones should be powered down and left with thier check in baggage. If not, then get another phone. 

    I don't a plane going down in flames because a Samsung owner felt not using his phone on a plane is not his 'mindset'
    oh no, Samsung phones should never be allowed in check-in. What if someone forgets to turn it off and the crap explodes in mid air? FAA recommended to carry it on board but power it off.
    FAA should insist all Galaxy 7s be put in fireproof bag and stowed down owners pants: "In close proximity of ball sack." 